This timely intervention exposes the euphemized language of the extreme right as a Trojan Horse of deception to re-gain greater influence on public policy. Since the end of the Second World War, the extreme right has been tactically using ‘doublespeak’, aping the language of liberal democracy. Attentive observation and accurate recognition of the extreme right pedigree means taking seriously their deliberately crafted slogans, symbols and themes. The essays in this book inquire into the extreme right’s attempts at ‘repackaging’ contemporary ultranationalism to make it palatable to more mainstream European and American tastes.
Paul Jackson
Dr. William Allchorn is a specialist on anti-Islamic protest movements and radical right social movements in the UK and Western Europe. His PhD thesis mapped political, policing, and local authority responses to the English Defence League in five UK locations. Dr. Allchorn’s research monograph on the same subject, Anti-Islamic Protest in the UK: Policy Responses to the Far Right, came out in November 2018 (Routledge). He is the Associate Director of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) based in the UK and online at:
Matthew Feldman
Professor Matthew Feldman is a specialist on fascist ideology and the far-right in Europe and the USA. He is the author or editor of more than 20 books, including three book-length studies, and more than 40 articles or academic book chapters. Published volumes include Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe (Routledge, 2008), A Fascist Century (Palgrave, 2008), and, with Roger Griffin, the five-volume collection Fascism: Critical Concepts (Routledge 2003). More recent volumes include Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far-Right since 1945 (with Paul Jackson, 2014), The ‘New Man’ in Radical Right Ideology and Practice, 1919–1945 (with Jorge Dagnino and Paul Stocker, 2017), as well as the journal specials Far-right Populism and Lone Wolf Terrorism in Contemporary Europe (Democracy and Security, 2013) and The Ideologies and Ideologues of the Radical Right (Patterns of Prejudice, 2016). His most recent monograph, Ezra Pound’s Fascist Propaganda, 1935-1945, appeared with Palgrave in 2013, and his first collection of essays, Falsifying Beckett, appeared in 2015 with ibidem Press.
Chip Berlet
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Gideon Botsch
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Anna Castriota
Professor Matthew Feldman is a specialist on fascist ideology and the far-right in Europe and the USA. He is the author or editor of more than 20 books, including three book-length studies, and more than 40 articles or academic book chapters. Published volumes include Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe (Routledge, 2008), A Fascist Century (Palgrave, 2008), and, with Roger Griffin, the five-volume collection Fascism: Critical Concepts (Routledge 2003). More recent volumes include Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far-Right since 1945 (with Paul Jackson, 2014), The ‘New Man’ in Radical Right Ideology and Practice, 1919–1945 (with Jorge Dagnino and Paul Stocker, 2017), as well as the journal specials Far-right Populism and Lone Wolf Terrorism in Contemporary Europe (Democracy and Security, 2013) and The Ideologies and Ideologues of the Radical Right (Patterns of Prejudice, 2016). His most recent monograph, Ezra Pound’s Fascist Propaganda, 1935-1945, appeared with Palgrave in 2013, and his first collection of essays, Falsifying Beckett, appeared in 2015 with ibidem Press.
Hilde Coffe
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Jeroen Dewulf
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Roger Griffin
Dr. Dr. h.c. Roger D. Griffin ist emeritierter Professor für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Oxford Brookes University, England. Er ist Mitgründer der International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies sowie der Zeitschrift Fascism (Brill 2012-heute), Autor u.a. von The Nature of Fascism (Pinter 1991, Routledge 1993) und Modernism and Fascism (Palgrave Macmillan 2007) sowie Herausgeber u.a. von Fascism (Oxford UP 1995), International Fascism (Arnold 1998), Critical Concepts of Political Science: Fascism, 5 Bde. (Routledge 2004) und Fascism Past and Present, West and East (ibidem-Verlag 2006).
Christoph Kopke
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Graham Macklin
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Per Anders Rudling
Per A. Rudling is associate professor of history at Lund University, and, since 2015, visiting senior fellow at the National University of Singapore. His articles have appeared in, among other outlets, Canadian Slavonic Papers, Carl Beck Papers, East European Jewish Affairs, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, and Nationalities Papers. In 2015, his book The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906-1931 (2014) won the Kulczycki Prize of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
Alexander Verkhovsky
Maria Lipman studied linguistics at Moscow State University. She was co-founder and deputy editor of the Russian weekly news magazines Itogi (“Summing up”), published in cooperation with Newsweek, from 1995 to 2001, and Ezhenedel’nyi zhurnal (“Weekly magazine”) from 2001 to 2003. Lipman was editor-in-chief of the policy journal Pro et Contra (Carnegie Moscow Center) from 2005 to 2014. From 2015 till 2018, she edited the Russian analytical quarterly Counterpoint, published by the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University, DC. She has co-edited and contributed to several volumes, including The New Autocracy (Brookings Institution 2018) and Putin’s Russia (Rowman & Littlefield 2015). From 2001 till 2011, Lipman wrote op-ed columns on Russian politics, media, and society for The Washington Post, and, 2012–2017, for The New Yorker online.
Koen Vossen
Dr Matthew Feldman is a Reader in Contemporary History at Teesside University, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, and a Senior Researcher with the Cantemir Institute, University of Oxford. Dr Paul Jackson is co-editor of Wiley-Blackwell`s online journal Compass: Political Religions, an editor of the Mapping the Far Right book series, and an Associate Editor of the Historicising Modernism book series.
Leonard Weinberg
Dr. William Allchorn is a specialist on anti-Islamic protest movements and radical right social movements in the UK and Western Europe. His PhD thesis mapped political, policing, and local authority responses to the English Defence League in five UK locations. Dr. Allchorn’s research monograph on the same subject, Anti-Islamic Protest in the UK: Policy Responses to the Far Right, came out in November 2018 (Routledge). He is the Associate Director of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) based in the UK and online at:
Janet Wilson
Flair Donglai Shi (施东来) is a DPhil candidate in English at the University of Oxford. His thesis focuses on the Yellow Peril as a traveling discourse in modern Anglophone and Sinophone literatures. His research interests include postcolonial and queer theories, Victorian literature, and modern East Asian literatures. His articles have been published in many academic journals. Gareth Guangming Tan (陈光明) is a Researcher at the Asia Competitiveness Institute of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He holds a Master of Studies in World Literatures in English from the University of Oxford. His research interests include postcolonial narratives in new media, narratology and ludology, and the intersections of the postcolonial and posthuman. He served as the Editor-in-Chief for the journal Oxford Research in English. His current projects include op-eds in Singapore’s National newspaper, the Straits Times, and upcoming books on the competitiveness of sub-national economies in China and the Southeast Asian region.
Ruth Wodak
Dr. William Allchorn is a specialist on anti-Islamic protest movements and radical right social movements in the UK and Western Europe. His PhD thesis mapped political, policing, and local authority responses to the English Defence League in five UK locations. Dr. Allchorn’s research monograph on the same subject, Anti-Islamic Protest in the UK: Policy Responses to the Far Right, came out in November 2018 (Routledge). He is the Associate Director of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) based in the UK and online at:
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
herausgegeben von | Paul Jackson, Matthew Feldman |
Beiträge von | Paul Jackson, Chip Berlet, Gideon Botsch, Anna Castriota, Hilde Coffe, Jeroen Dewulf, Roger Griffin, Christoph Kopke, Graham Macklin, Per Anders Rudling, Alexander Verkhovsky, Koen Vossen, Leonard Weinberg, Janet Wilson, Ruth Wodak |
Seitenzahl |
Reihe |
Explorations of the Far Right
Sprache |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Typ |
Erscheinungsdatum |
460 g
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