This timely collection offers fresh perspectives on the analysis of the ‘New Great Game’ – the fight for access to the former Soviet Union’s energy resources. Thus far the export of crude oil and natural gas has only been assessed through a geopolitical lens, which oversimplifies the political dynamics of the region and neglects to acknowledge the post-Soviet countries as actors in their own right. Broadening the scope of analysis, this volume brings together insights from various different angles, including the securitization of energy issues, the formation of post-Soviet energy policies, and the motives of local business and political actors.
Andreas Heinrich
Heiko Pleines
Heiko Pleines is head of the department of Politics and Economics at the Research Centre for East European Studies and lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of Bremen, Germany.
Lusine Badalyan
Boris Barkanov
George Soroka received his PhD in Political Science from Harvard University in 2014. He is currently working on a book regarding how contentious historical interpretations function in defining contemporary foreign-policy objectives between Poland, Ukraine, and Russia.
Tomasz Stêpniewski is an associate professor at the Institute of Political Science and International Affairs, Faculty of Social Sciences, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He is also the co-editor (along with Soroka) of the book Ukraine after Maidan: Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security (Stuttgart: ibidem 2018).
Rory Finnin is University Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Ukrainian Studies and Founding Director of the Cambridge Ukrainian Studies programme at the University of Cambridge.
Ivan Kozachenko is Postdoctoral Research Associate in the project “Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies,” which is based at the University of Cambridge and funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Gergana Dimova is an associate lecturer in global politics at the University of Winchester (United Kingdom). She received her PhD in political science from Harvard University and was a Jeremy Haworth Research Fellow at St Catharine’s College at the University of Cambridge.
Andreas Umland is Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for European Security in the Institute of International Relations at Prague, Principal Researcher of the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation at Kyiv, and General Editor of the ibidem-Verlag book series “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society”.
Julie Fedor is Senior Lecturer in Modern European History at the University of Melbourne.
Andrey Makarychev is Guest Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Tartu, Estonia.
Inna Chuvychkina
Die Herausgeber: Oleksandr Zabirko arbeitet als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Seminar für Slavistik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und promoviert im Graduiertenkolleg „Literarische Form“ der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören Gegenwartsliteraturen Russlands und der Ukraine, Literaturgeschichte sowie Rechtskultur und politische Kultur im postsowjetischen Raum. Jakob Mischke hat von 2015 bis 2016 am Slavisch-Baltischen Seminar der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter gearbeitet, bevor er an das Doktoratskolleg Galizien der Universität Wien wechselte, wo er eine Dissertation über die ukrainische Rechtswissenschaftsgeschichte verfasst. Zu seinen Schwerpunkten gehören zudem aktuelle politische Entwicklungen und Geschichtspolitik in der Ukraine.
Aminjonov Farkhod
Irina Kustova
Kateryna Malyhina
Andras Molnar
Mikko Palonkorpi
Rufat Rustamov
Eric Sauvageot
Niels Smeets
Paolo Sorbello
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
herausgegeben von | Andreas Heinrich, Heiko Pleines |
Beiträge von | Andreas Heinrich, Lusine Badalyan, Boris Barkanov, Inna Chuvychkina, Aminjonov Farkhod, Irina Kustova, Kateryna Malyhina, Andras Molnar, Mikko Palonkorpi, Rufat Rustamov, Eric Sauvageot, Niels Smeets, Paolo Sorbello |
Seitenzahl |
Erscheinungsdatum |
Sprache |
Typ |
Reihe |
Changing Europe
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
415 g
Herstellerangaben zur Produktsicherheit gemäß EU-GPSR
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