This study launches a systematic inquiry into the nature of the concept of humanitarian intervention, focusing on its primary function of the protection of the endangered civilian populations who find themselves at the grave risk of genocide. This is strengthened by a recollection of selected historical examples of similar events and the responses to them by the international community, empowered by our modern understanding of the principle of state sovereignty, human rights, and anti-genocide legislation.
Applying the in-statu-nascendi ontology that accounts for the latest hybridized compartmentalization of various IR-related theories, the author provides a deep ontological inquiry into the nature, origin, and genesis of the idea of humanitarian intervention and opens up a broader debate on the limits of the principle of state sovereignty as well as on the international community’s ignorance of some of the most severe cases of human rights abuses around the world.
Piotr Pietrzak
PIOTR PIETRZAK specializes in the politics of the Middle East, the Islamic world, and focuses his attention on the theory of international relations.
PIETRZAK eats and sleeps geopolitics every single day. He is a political thinker, author, and ontologist by training who takes pride in adding a pragmatic twist to IR theory, political philosophy, conflict management, security studies, and geoeconomics. He is a Former Editor in Chief of In Statu Nascendi: Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations. He has authored several articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, including On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention: A New Compartmentalization of IR Theories. 2021. [This is a link to his academic blog:].
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
Seitenzahl |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Erscheinungsdatum |
Sprache |
Typ |
382 g
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