Collected by Andreas Umland

ISSN 2629-3064 (Print) 
ISSN 2940-3839 (Online)

The book series “Ukrainian Voices” publishes English- and German-language monographs, edited volumes, document collections and anthologies of articles authored and composed by Ukrainian politicians, intellectuals, activists, officials, researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, and diplomats. The series’ aim is to introduce Western and other audiences to Ukrainian explorations and interpretations of historic and current domestic as well as international affairs. The series was founded in 2019, and the volumes are collected by Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Please send your manuscript proposals to Andreas.Umland.

Editorial Board, Advisory Board, and Friends of the Series

The reflections and deliberations in this book represent different aspects of the publishing, scholarly and media activity of the former Soviet political prisoner and Jewish-Ukrainian public intellectual, as well as co-initiator of Ukraine’s First of December Group, Joseph Zissels, over the ...


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This book is a collection of stories from witnesses and victims of Russian war atrocities that occurred in Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion that started in 2022. It contains first-hand stories of killings, illegal detentions, torture, and heavy bombardments of the civilian ...


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The authors present a multi-faceted image of Ukraine’s memory and reality touching upon topics from the Holodomor to Maidan to the Russian aggression.


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Serhy Yekelchyk analyzes the development of Ukrainian history writing from the fall of communism to the early responses to Russia’s massive invasion in 2022.


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Olesya Yaremchuk

Unsere Anderen

Dieses preisgekrönte Buch über vierzehn ethnische Minderheiten handelt von der Regionalgeschichte und den persönlichen Schicksalen.


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Olesya Yaremchuk

Our Others

Olesya Yaremchuk’s literary reportages paint realistic, thoughtful, and historically informed depictions of how these various groups arrived in Ukraine.


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This book provides a chronicle of Ukraine’s Maidan and Russia’s ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity.


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This book provides a chronicle of Ukraine’s Maidan and Russia’s ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity.


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Gelinada Grinchenko, Marieluise Beck, Jan Claas Behrends, Oksana Mikheieva

Deutsch-ukrainische Geschichten

Die Ukraine war für die deut­sche Öffent­lich­keit lange Zeit ein fernes Land, nahezu eine terra inco­gnita. Sie wurde ent­we­der durch die ›rus­si­sche Brille‹ oder nur im Zusam­men­hang mit den deutschen Gräu­el­ta­ten des Zweiten Welt­kriegs betrach­tet. Deutsch­land ...


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Executing a Renaissance responds both to the poets, thinkers, and scholars who are again persecuted and executed by the Russian soldateska.


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