The academic Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (JSPPS) is a bi-annual journal that was launched in April 2015 as a companion journal to the Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society book series (founded 2004 and edited by Andreas Umland, Dr. phil., PhD). The journal provides an international interdisciplinary forum for new original research on the Soviet and post-Soviet world. The journal publishes creative, intelligent, and lively writing tackling and illuminating significant issues with articles covering a broad range of approaches including social, economic, political, intellectual, and cultural and capable of engaging wider educated audiences beyond the academy.

ISSN 2364-5334 (print)
ISSN 2940-5696 (online)

All articles submitted to the journal undergo double-blind peer review by at least two referees.

► JSPPS Editorial Team und Advisory Board

► Call for papers

Please adhere to JSPPS's publication ethics and publication malpractice statement.


Contents Special Section: Issues in the History and Memory of the OUN VI Yuliya Yurchuk and Andreas Umland: Introduction. Reassessing Ukrainian Nationalism in the Light of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion since 2022 Per Anders Rudling: “Benderites,” "UkroNazis" and "Rashizm": Studying the ...


34,00 € *

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A Debate on “Ustashism,” Generic Fascism, and the OUN III


34,00 € *

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This issue is on the downplaying of Russian nationalism, misinterpretations of the 2014 crisis, sympathetic portrayals of Crimea’s occupation, and the use of the term “civil war” rather than “Russian–Ukrainian war” for the Donbas conflict.


34,00 € *

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Julie Fedor, Andriy Portnov, Andreas Umland

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Contents Special Section: Russia`s Annexation of Crimea III Gergana Dimova and Andreas Umland: Introduction. Perspectives on Russia’s 2014 Annexation of Crimea: Empirical and Theoretical Explorations Greta Lynn Uehling: The Personal Stakes of Political Crisis: The 2014 ...


34,00 € *

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Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev, Andreas Umland, Yulia Yurchuk

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

SPECIAL SECTION: ISSUES IN THE HISTORY AND MEMORY OF THE OUN V YULIYA YURCHUK, ANDREAS UMLAND: Introduction: New Studies on the Record and Remembrance of the OUN(b) in World War II OLEKSANDR MELNYK: Ukrainian Nationalism, Soviet Power, and Legitimacy Contests in the Kyiv ...


34,00 € *

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Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev, Andreas Umland, Yulia Yurchuk

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

This issue is a special section on the memory of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the OUN-Bandera-wing’s military arm, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.


34,00 € *

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George Soroka, Tomasz Stępniewski, Andreas Umland, Gergana Dimova, Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

This special section deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the so-called “near abroad,” or the former Soviet states.


34,00 € *

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Rory Finnin, Ivan Kozachenko, Andreas Umland, Yuliya Yurchuk, Gergana Dimova, Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

SPECIAL SECTION: MULTILINGUALISM IN UKRAINE Introduction: Ukraine’s Multilingualism RORY FINNIN and IVAN KOZACHENKO The Languages and Tongues of Mykola Markevych TARAS KOZNARSKY Channel Switching: Language Change and the Conversion Trope in Modern Ukrainian ...


34,00 € *

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Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev, Eleonora Narvselius, Andreas Umland

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

This issue focuses on the palimpsest-like environments of East-Central European borderland cities.


34,00 € *

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Julie Fedor, Andrey Makarychev, Andreas Umland

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Special Section: Russia’s Annexation of Crimea I Guest Editors: Gergana Dimova and Andreas Umland Legal Loopholes and Judicial Debates: Essays on Russia’s 2014 Annexation of Crimea and Its Consequences for International Law Gergana Dimova The Obligation of Non-recognition: The ...


34,90 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

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