Editor: Prof. Dr. Ralf Jasny

ISSN 1861-0978

Language: German

The topic of marketing for financial services is a comparatively new discipline for the financial service industry. Banks and insurance companies only started dealing with these issues in the 1980s. Initially, the industry attempted to copy concepts and processes from the consumer goods industry, without any regard for the specifics of the financial services industry. Due to these circumstances, the practical and scientific research on this topic sorely lacks in detail and extent compared to other industries.
The Frankfurt Papers on Marketing and Financial Services therefore examine innovative and pracitically highly relevant issues concerning the topic. The series highlights selected aspects of topics like strategy, branding, pricing, product and distribution, in every detail. This way, the series closes the gap in the systematic analysis of questions on marketing and financial services and provides valuable contributions for both research and practical application.


Franchising ist bei vielen Dienstleistungsorganisationen eine bewährte Vertriebsform, die die Vorteile einer marktorientierten Führung mit den Vorteilen einer Weisungsgebundenheit des Franchisenehmers verbindet, so dass sich auf der einen Seite selbständiges Unternehmertum entfalten kann und ...


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The Internet is playing an increasing role in our everyday private and business lives. New opportunities are arising all the time and many organisations have already set up websites allocating substantial budgets each year to keep them up and running. This observation also holds true for the ...


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Die vorherrschende Preispolitik der Anlageberatung im deutschen Private Banking-Markt vollzieht einen notwendigen strukturellen Wandel. Der Einzug neuer Technologien im Banking führt zu Umbrüchen in den Kostenstrukturen der Banken und umfassenden Veränderungen in der Preisgestaltung, vor ...


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