Editor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler

ISSN 2195-1497 (print)
ISSN 2940-5742 (online)

The book series was founded with the aim of providing a forum for current research on literature and culture in Central and Eastern Europe. With regard to the profile of the series, the spatial-regional concept was given priority over a purely philological one, e.g. Slavic, in order to better reflect the numerous interrelationships that characterize the literature and cultures of Eastern Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe as well as the German-speaking world. Making visible these manifold mutual contacts, overlaps, and influences is one of the essential impulses for the publications in the series, both individually and as a whole.
Even though the series lives precisely from its methodological and content-related diversity, a few central thematic areas are highlighted: One example is the literary-cultural treatment of the Holocaust, a focus that emerged from the successful Giessen project for the comparative study of this extremely important and productive problem to this day, including Polish, Czech, Slovakian, and German material (texts, films, theatre productions etc.). Other important subject areas that define the profile of the series include modern and avant-garde discourse, questions of genre typology and genre history, but also overarching aspects of aesthetics as well as literary and cultural theory, insofar as these are rooted in the intellectual tradition of Central and Eastern Europe. All interested parties are cordially invited to contribute to the success of the series with innovative and exciting projects.

The editor: 

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler is Chair of Slavic Philology, focusing on Russian, Czech, and Polish Literary Research and Theory at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. He has dealt, among other things, with questions concerning literary cyclization, typology and development of selected genres (e.g. comedy, elegy, sonnet) and literary-artistic communication. At present, Prof. Dr. Ibler is the head of the research group for Holocaust Literature and Culture in Middle and Eastern Europe. Further, he has several projects on the History of Ballads and on the Topicality of functionalist designs in Literary and Cultural research.


Die tschechische Erinnerungskultur durchläuft einen Transformationsprozess. Der Diskurs über die deutsch-tschechische Vergangenheit hat sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten stark gewandelt. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leistete – neben anderen nach der Jahrtausendwende erschienenen ...


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Mit dem vorliegenden Band legt Marie Brunová die Ergebnisse langjähriger Recherche und Forschung zu Leben und Werk von Jiří Weil (1900–1959) vor.


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With the collapse of communism in Europe, stock revision was needed in libraries, but did it unfold in a ‘business as usual’ fashion or was it a “bibliocide”?


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Martina Napolitano explores the poetics of one of the most significant Russian authors of the 20th century: Sasha Sokolov.


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Shchekina-Greipel untersucht welche Faktoren die Publikation westlicher Literatur unter den ideologisch-totalitären Bedingungen der Sowjetunion bestimmten.


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Es wird hinterfragt, wo Funktionalität und Sinnhaftigkeit einer Genozid-Begrifflichkeit zu verorten sind.


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The book explores transformations of the apocalyptic figure of the Antichrist in various post-Soviet discourses.


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Spanberger widmet sich in ihrer vorliegenden Untersuchung den Grenzphänomenen im Frühwerk Viktor Pelevins, ihrer Vielfalt und semantischen Qualität.


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Šárka Sladovníková analyzes the depiction of the Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films and the relevant literary pretexts.


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Magdalena Baran-Szołtys, Aleksandra Konarzewska, Monika Glosowitz

Imagined Geographies

This volume shows how the space of the imagined Central Europe has been de- and reconstructed.


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