Editors: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Hentges, Prof. Dr. Volker Hinnenkamp, Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Platzer

ISSN 1865-2255 (print)
ISSN 2940-6455 (onlline)

This series is a publication platform of the Centre for Intercultural and European Studies (CINTEUS) at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. The series aims at making research results, anthologies, conference readers, and study books accessible to the general public. It comprises scientific and interdisciplinary works on inter- and transculturality, the European Union from an interior and a global perspective, and problems of social welfare and social law in Europe. CINTEUS researches developments and issues of high academic and social significance in the present and foreseeable future. We also invite contributions from outside the faculty that share and enrich our research.

Kirsten Nazarkiewicz, Norbert Schröer

Verständigung in pluralen Welten

Die Entgrenzung aller kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Räume ist ein zentraler Effekt von Globalisierung und Digitalisierung. Vertrautes, Ungewohntes und Fremdes sind heute gleichermaßen Teile der sozialen Lebenswelten. Die miteinander Handelnden stehen vor der Aufgabe, stets neue ...


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The European Union has developed a range of instruments to promote democracy and human rights worldwide. However, the success of its democratization efforts remains questionable in countries that lack an EU membership perspective. The case of post-soviet Central Asia, where the EU declares ...


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What kind of a power is the EU? What are the main factors that have provided the EU with the opportunities to construct its role in international politics? Which theoretical approaches are appropriate for the conceptualization of the EU foreign policy activity? Does the EU operate as a civilian ...


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The European social security law, i.e. the European regulations on the coordination of social security for migrant workers, has been evolving for over 60 years. This book is the result of a dialogue between academia and practitioners in Germany and Greece on practical issues regarding the ...


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Mit der Offenen Methode der Koordinierung (OMK) hat die Europäische Union ein neues Instrumentarium entwickelt und ein Verfahren etabliert, das mittlerweile in einer wachsenden Zahl von Politikfeldern zur Anwendung kommt. Die OMK dient der gemeinsamen Bearbeitung wirtschafts- und ...


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Reporting on a linguistic ethnographic study, Işıl Erduyan explores multilingual identity construction of high school students with Turkish descent enrolled in a downtown high school (Gymnasium) in Berlin. She focuses on naturally occurring classroom interactions across German, Turkish, and ...


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Die Nachfrage nach häuslichen Dienstleistungen in der Pflege steigt kontinuierlich. Zunehmend führt dies zu ´praktischen Lösungen`, nämlich oftmals irregulären Arbeitsverhältnissen, die ohne rechtliche Grundlage ausgeübt werden - und zugleich für viele Pflegebedürftige in Deutschland ...


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How do factors such as small size, insularity, vulnerability and remoteness influence a small state’s behaviour in international relations? What are the major problems and events shaping Malta-EU relations? How can Malta’s position in the EU be described? In which way can this small island ...


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Lisa Moessing

Lobbying Uncovered?

"To the public´s eye, lobbying is still a highly obscure trade. Lobbyists are generally perceived to work behind closed doors in order to influence legislation—what really happens is unknown to the public. To make interest representatives more visible, both the European Union and the United ...


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This groundbreaking volume offers a historical comparison between the events leading up to World War I and current global tensions related to the economical and political rise of Asia. What are the risks that the desire of the new super power China and great powers like India to be recognized by ...


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