Editor: Prof. Dr. Frank Brettschneider

ISSN: 2195-1500

The series Political Communication is comprised of a variety of topics. On one side, it deals with the authors of potical messages, particularly parties and politicians, non-government-organisations (i.e. BUND, Greenpeace, Amnesty International) and journalists. What kind of messages do they issue?What do they want to achieve with their messages?
On the other side, the instruments of communication are examined. These are, aside from the traditional mass media outlets, online media, social networks of Web 2.0 as well as direct forms of communication like posters or leaflets. And finally, the focus turns to the effects of political communication: Does it strengthen the already held beliefs of the recipients?Are they able to change attitudes or behavior? And how does political communication impact political processes in a community, a country or an international relationship network?
The fields of application for political communication range from election campaigns, infrastructure projects, image building for politicians to political news coverage. Journalists and those responsible in politics as well as media and communication scientists can gain something in reading the publications of this series.

The Editor:
Frank Brettschneider: Professor for Communication science at the University Hohenheim;
Focus: Election and attitude research / political communication, comprehension research, communication in infastructure projects.


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Sophie Katharina Schindler

Social Media und Journalismus

Es zeigte sich unter anderem, dass Facebook, Instagram und Twitter am häufigsten für Recherchezwecke genutzt werden und die Nachrichtenauswahl beeinflussen.


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