Editor: Dr. Andreas Umland

ISSN 1614-3515 (print)
ISSN 2940-5718 (online)

Founded in 2004 and refereed since 2007, SPPS makes available, to the academic community and general public, affordable English-, German- and Russian-language scholarly studies of various empirical aspects of the recent history and current affairs of the former Soviet bloc from the late Tsarist period to today. It publishes approximately 15-20 volumes per year, and focuses on issues in transitions to and from democracy such as economic crisis, identity formation, civil society development, and constitutional reform in CEE and the NIS. SPPS also aims to highlight so far understudied themes in East European studies such as right-wing radicalism, religious life, higher education, or human rights protection.

All SPPS volumes are peer-reviewed.

Authors, reviewers, referees and editors for, as well as all other persons sympathetic to, the project Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society are invited to join the series' free LinkedIn networking group at:

The Series Editor:
Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Please send your manuscript proposals to andreas.umland@stanfordalumni.org.


► Further information for authors


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Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine zwar kein Religionskrieg, er kann aber ohne die religiösen Elemente nicht verstanden werden.


19,90 € *

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This collection of essays analyses the changes that have taken place in the post-Soviet space since 1991.


29,90 € *

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This book examines the profound transformation that has occurred in Ukrainian society as a result of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.


32,00 € *

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Rasmus Nilsson

Uncanny Allies

This book challenges widespread academic and media claims about the political relations between Russia and Belarus.


34,90 € *

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Christian Kaunert, Alex MacKenzie, Adrien Nonjon

In the Eye of the Storm

This volume focuses on a highly controversial unit within the Ukrainian military, the Azov (former regiment) Brigade.


29,90 € *

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Debra A. Friedman, Natalia Kudriavtseva

Language and Power in Ukraine and Kazakhstan

This is the first collection of essays presenting a critical multi-author examination of language and power relations in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


27,90 € *

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Memorial Deutschland e.V.

»Alles kann sich ändern«

Dieses Buch versammelt 29 letzte Worte von politischen Gefangenen. Einige sind rhetorische Meisterwerke – mutig sind sie alle.


22,00 € *

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Gian Marco Dr. Moisé

The House Always Wins

Gian Marco Moisé explores the various ways in which corruption and informal governance converged and were shaped by everchanging power dynamics.


39,90 € *

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Mykhailo Minakov

The Post-Soviet Human

The post-Soviet Human attempted to establish free politics and economy, as well as to gain collective emancipation and personal freedom between 1989 and 2022.


24,90 € *

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Der Krieg in der Ukraine begann nicht am 24. Februar 2022. Er begann acht Jahre zuvor in der ostukrainischen Donbas-Region. In seinem vielbeachteten Buch untersucht Jakob Hauter die Eskalation der Gewalt im Frühjahr und Sommer 2014. Er zeigt, dass es sich bei dem Konflikt auch bereits vor 2022, ...


29,90 € *

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