Editor: Dr. Andreas Umland

ISSN 1614-3515 (print)
ISSN 2940-5718 (online)

Founded in 2004 and refereed since 2007, SPPS makes available, to the academic community and general public, affordable English-, German- and Russian-language scholarly studies of various empirical aspects of the recent history and current affairs of the former Soviet bloc from the late Tsarist period to today. It publishes approximately 15-20 volumes per year, and focuses on issues in transitions to and from democracy such as economic crisis, identity formation, civil society development, and constitutional reform in CEE and the NIS. SPPS also aims to highlight so far understudied themes in East European studies such as right-wing radicalism, religious life, higher education, or human rights protection.

All SPPS volumes are peer-reviewed.

Authors, reviewers, referees and editors for, as well as all other persons sympathetic to, the project Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society are invited to join the series' free LinkedIn networking group at:

The Series Editor:
Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Please send your manuscript proposals to andreas.umland@stanfordalumni.org.


► Further information for authors


SPPS is listed in the following databases:

Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf die Funktion des Rückbezugs für die Herausbildung einer spezifischen Identität der russischen 'Partei der Macht'.


34,90 € *

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Die Studie skizziert das neopatrimoniale politische System der Ukraine von 1991 bis 2004, dessen Grundsteine in der Sowjetunion gelegt wurden.


28,99 € *

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Dietrich sheds light on a critical yet politically practicable notion of cosmopolitanism which centers on the individual and is framed by a set of universal principles.


49,90 € *

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Leonid Luks’ essays deal with the various causes and results of these Russian and German anti-Western revolts for 20th-century Europe.


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This book offers a comprehensive history of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Company (C. O. S.) from its beginning in the late 1940s until the fall of communism.


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Igor Torbakov

After Empire

Torbakov explores the nexus between various forms of Russian political imagination and the cyclic process of decline and fall of Russia’s imperial polity.


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Slavomir Michalek, Michal Stefansky

Age of Fear

This book’s novel contribution is to explain Czechoslovakia’s domestic situation during the Cold War from the “outside”.


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This book seeks to understand him as perhaps the most eminent representative of a school of thought that is here defined as ‘post-Soviet esotericism’.


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The book examines Two Hundred Years Together within the context of anti-Semitism, nationalism, Russian literature, and Solzhenitsyn’s prolific, influential life.


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Elisa Kriza offers an in-depth analysis of Alexander Solzhenitsyns reception in the US, UK, and Germany before and after 1991.


59,90 € *

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