Collected by Andreas Umland

ISSN 2629-3064 (Print)
ISSN 2940-3839 (Online)

The book series “Ukrainian Voices” publishes English- and German-language monographs, edited volumes, document collections and anthologies of articles authored and composed by Ukrainian politicians, intellectuals, activists, officials, researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, and diplomats. The series’ aim is to introduce Western and other audiences to Ukrainian explorations and interpretations of historic and current domestic as well as international affairs. The series was founded in 2019, and the volumes are collected by Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Please send your manuscript proposals to Andreas.Umland.

Editorial Board, Advisory Board, and Friends of the Series


Gelinada Grinchenko, Marieluise Beck, Jan Claas Behrends, Oksana Mikheieva

Deutsch-ukrainische Geschichten

Die Ukraine war für die deut­sche Öffent­lich­keit lange Zeit ein fernes Land, nahezu eine terra inco­gnita . Sie wurde ent­we­der durch die ›rus­si­sche Brille‹ oder nur im Zusam­men­hang mit den deutschen Gräu­el­ta­ten des Zweiten Welt­kriegs betrach­tet. Deutsch­land ...


24,90 € *

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Available on 14.10.2024

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Die Ukraine ist das neue »West-Berlin« Ost-Europas. Die Annexion der Krim und die russische Invasion im Donbas zwangen Kyjiw zu rasantem Wandel. Vor zehn Jahren war die Ukraine noch ein postsowjetisches Land mit gespaltener Identität – heute ist sie ein Vorposten Europas, der nun bereits ...


29,90 € *

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Der Titel des Buchs Die Zukunft, die wir uns wünschen entstand aus dem Thema der UN-Generalversammlung 2020. Dieses Thema als Vorlage für einen Sammelband ergab sich nicht zufällig. In der heutigen Welt, in der die Menschheit durch ökologische Krisen und Epidemien, Kriege und punktuelle ...


22,00 € *

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Executing a Renaissance responds both to the poets, thinkers, and scholars who are again persecuted and executed by the Russian soldateska.


22,00 € *

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This book is a collection of stories from witnesses and victims of Russian war atrocities that occurred in Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion that started in 2022. It contains first-hand stories of killings, illegal detentions, torture, and heavy bombardments of the civilian ...


22,00 € *

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Tetiana Kostiuchenko, Tamara Martsenyuk

Russia’s War in Ukraine 2022

This book is a collection of personal reflections by scholars of different disciplines, offering a variety of perspectives on Russia’s war against Ukraine.


39,90 € *

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Bohdan Ben, Orysia Hrudka

Dark Days, Determined People

These 21 stories, collected from diverse regions of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion, speak of courage, resilience, pain, death, love, and hope.


29,90 € *

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Neue Texte bezeugen Sigows Kyjiwer Kriegserfahrungen, ältere reflektieren die ukrainische „Revolution der Würde“ 2013/14.


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The book shows how hostile rhetoric on state-controlled Russian TV contributed to the Russian public’s widespread acceptance of the invasion of Ukraine.


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L’Ucraina è ovviamente una parte integrante dell’Europa. Perciò, è necessario che gli europei sappiano cos’è l’Ucraina e chi sono gli Ucraini. Per la prima volta vengono fornite le risposte a queste domande in Ucraina Redux. Questo testo di facile lettura (con sei mappe storiche ...


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This collection of essays and articles (2019-2024 ) illuminates recent Russian international affairs through the lens of Moscow’s propaganda tactics.


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This monograph explores the recent political history of Ukraine from a novel diachronic and comparative point of view.


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Der Mann mit der Giftpistole bietet einen unvergleichlichen Einblick in die Schattenwelt der Spionage im Kalten Krieg.


29,90 € *

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The book introduces an agile non-cash-flow-based methodology for startup valuation, offering practitioners a holistic risk and innovativeness assessment tool.


19,90 € *

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Sonya Atlantova, Oleksandr Klymenko

Icons on Ammo Boxes

Painted on fragments of empty cartridge containers brought back from the front, the icons are silent witnesses to Russia’s covert war against Ukraine 2014-2021.


24,90 € *

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Larissa Babij

A Kind of Refugee

Written with a fierce love for Ukraine and its people, this is a testament to the courage of ordinary people committed to freedom while defending their homeland.


22,00 € *

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The book is a biography of the Ukrainian philosopher and theologian H. Skovoroda and a vivid presentation of the life and culture of eighteenth-century Ukraine.


39,90 € *

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Alexander Strashny

The Ukrainian Mentality

Alexander Strashny examinines what defines Ukrainians as a people and singles out features whose combination constitutes the essence of the Ukrainian mentality.


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Das Buch enthält Aufzeichnungen über prominente Frauen der Ukraine, die im Rahmen des ukrainischen Istorytschna Prawda (Historische Wahrheit) gesammelt wurden.


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Vakhtang Kipianis Interviews mit ukrainischen Dissidenten legen Zeugnis ab über die Taten derer, die die Grundfesten des Gefängnisses "Sowjetunion" untergruben.


34,90 € *

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