At the beginning of their venture, young and small start-ups have to struggle a lot to survive. And when a company has passed this basic stage, a battle may be won, but the road to long-term success is still a long way ahead. Young and small companies are then forced to achieve constant and high growth if they want to stay on the global marketplace by successfully defeating global competition. This book illustrates the special situation of such companies, calls for dedicated and special assistance and wants to provide necessary hands-on management advice for the future economic development of companies in this stage.
The book aims at entrepreneurs, founders and managers of young and small companies which successfully survived the start-up phase as well as to venture capital companies, independent advisors, banks, consultants and other stakeholders.
Simon G Fauser
Prof. Dr. Simon G. Fauser lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN) zu den Themen Marketing, Dienstleistungsmanagement und Customer Science. Zudem berät er Unternehmen und ist Geschäftsführer von HILL (Heilbronner Institut für Lebenslanges Lernen) – der zentralen Weiterbildungseinrichtung aller berufsbegleitenden Studiengänge der Hochschule Heilbronn. Eleonore Lenhard studiert Marketing an der Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (M.Sc. Marketing) und ist ehemalige Studentin der Hochschule Heilbronn (B.A. in Tourismusmanagement). Ihre Interessensgebiete sowie praktischen Erfahrungen umfassen die Bereiche Online-Marketing sowie Kommunikations- und Marketingmanagement
Christoph Schmid
CHRISTOPH SCHMID, is currently working with balesio GmbH & Co. KG, a young software company, to achieve substantial high growth. He holds an MSc in International Management from ESB Reutlingen and Reims Management School and a master’s degree from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan/Piacenza. He has several years of management experience with large corporations and young companies in Germany, Italy and France.
SIMON G. FAUSER, is lecturer and tutor at ESB Reutlingen and Europäische Fernhochschule, Hamburg. He is employed at the ESB Research Institute and PhD candidate at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan/Piacenza. He holds an MSc in International Management from ESB Reutlingen and Reims Management School and has several years of industry experience in Germany and South Africa.
Delivery time
Delivery time 2-3 working days.
Series edited by | Jörn Altmann, Ottmar Schneck |
Number of Pages |
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E-book format |
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Schriftenreihe des ESB Research Institute
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e-book DRM |
Digital Rights Management - Watermark