
Fuchun Peng setzt sich mit dem Begriff der Weisheit Chinas auseinander, deren Natürlichkeit er herausarbeitet, anhand derer er sie von unserem traditionellen westlichen, nicht-natürlichen Weisheitsbegriff unterscheidet. Die Weisheit Chinas hat ihr eigenes Diskurssystem, das Existenz, Denken ...


34,90 € *

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Available on 27.01.2025

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Die Forschungsarbeit beschreibt Anwendungsbeispiele, Wirksamkeiten und der Bedarf theaterpädagogischer Methoden in der Reflexionsarbeit mit Teams.


9,90 € *

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The Ukrainian response to the 2022 Russian invasion has inspired a new appreciation for their country both within and beyond Ukraine.


24,90 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

Zweifelsohne gehört der 24. Februar 2022 zu den großen Daten der Weltgeschichte. Wer konnte es verstehen? Ein großer Krieg in Europa! Wie aber sieht der Krieg in der Ukraine für die Menschen aus? Als der Krieg ausbrach, reagierte der Ikonenkünstler Danylo Movchan nicht erstaunt, aber ...


34,95 € *

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The book shows how hostile rhetoric on state-controlled Russian TV contributed to the Russian public’s widespread acceptance of the invasion of Ukraine.


24,90 € *

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Sur quel fond conceptuel et idéologique se meut la créativité artistique d’aujourd’hui ? Quels sont les différents versants que prend l’art dit contemporain ? Est-il encore possible de lire l’œuvre d’art dans toute la cacophonie que génère la notion de contemporanéité ? Que ...


29,90 € *

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This book offers a fascinating insight into how film as a medium can portray political thought.


29,90 € *

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Händels späte Opern von biografischer Perspektive betrachtet, stehen sie in einem engeren Zusammenhang mit ihm selbst als zunächst angenommen.


22,00 € *

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Die US-amerikanische TV-Serie FlashForward (2009–2010) beruht auf der Prämisse, dass die gesamte Weltbevölkerung einen flash foward – einen kurzen Blick in ihre Zukunft – erfährt. Im Zentrum der Erzählung steht die Disruption der Zeithorizonte, das Hereinbrechen der Zukunft in die ...


29,90 € *

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Sonya Atlantova, Oleksandr Klymenko

Icons on Ammo Boxes

Painted on fragments of empty cartridge containers brought back from the front, the icons are silent witnesses to Russia’s covert war against Ukraine 2014-2021.


24,90 € *

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The book is a biography of the Ukrainian philosopher and theologian H. Skovoroda and a vivid presentation of the life and culture of eighteenth-century Ukraine.


39,90 € *

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Alexander Strashny

The Ukrainian Mentality

Alexander Strashny examinines what defines Ukrainians as a people and singles out features whose combination constitutes the essence of the Ukrainian mentality.


29,90 € *

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The image of the medieval and Renaissance demon attracts the interest because of its huge impact on significant social and political phenomena.


39,90 € *

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Donald Phillip Verene

Philosophical Self-Knowledge

We know ourselves to be human, but the question remains as to what it means to be human.


16,99 € *

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Levinas's ethical phenomenology proposes biblical evidence to discuss subjectivity, which can be justified only by prioritizing the Other and not the Self.


29,90 € *

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The Ukrainian response to the 2022 Russian invasion has inspired a new appreciation for their country both within and beyond Ukraine.


24,90 € *

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Geoffrey Dean

The Orphic I

Drawing on ideas common to both hermeneutic and pragmatic aesthetics, it examines forms of collaboration involving those who create, perform, and listen to music.


24,90 € *

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Koumparoudis Evangelos, Piotr Pietrzak

In Statu Nascendi

Issue 2023:1 of In Statu Nascendi comprises, amongst others, the following articles: · Ethics of AI and Robotics from an non Anthopomorphical and Zoomorphical Perspective · The Self and Mental Health Studies: A Postmodern Introduction · On the German Foreign Policy Sonderweg: The ...


44,00 € *

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Dan Corjescu

Future Belief

In this book we shall be arguing, among other things, for a belief or set of beliefs that neither requires God or is necessarily incompatible with such a spiritual presupposition.


24,90 € *

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Catarina Belo

Ethics and Virtue

In her new book, Catarina Belo explores central issues pertaining to virtue ethics from both a classical and a contemporary perspective.


34,90 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

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