
Mykhailo Minakov

From Servant to Leader

President Zelensky is not only a showman and politician. He is also a political phenomenon through which history revealed something very important about Ukrainian society. This book is dedicated to Ukraine under the presidency of Volodymyr Zelensky. It consists of columns, originally written for ...


34,90 € *

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Available on 28.04.2025

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This book helps readers find out for themselves: what do I truly need?


22,00 € *

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Available on 03.03.2025

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Sándor Klapcsik, Zénó Vernyik

Brutal Aspects of Migratory Esthetics

Ever since the Second World War, the movement of refugees as well as of those seeking better opportunities for work, for education, or a functional democracy, has dominated headlines, influenced political debates, and shaped elections and referenda. Growing nationalist sentiments and policies ...


29,90 € *

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The book presents a collection of essays and interviews with scholars and experts that were published in the first two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion.


32,00 € *

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Available on 24.02.2025

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Russian political-military elites decided that the nature of war had changed, and Moscow must fight back with what is considered a New Generation War.


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Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine zwar kein Religionskrieg, er kann aber ohne die religiösen Elemente nicht verstanden werden.


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Since the late 20th century, humanity has faced several challenges that make us feel increasingly vulnerable. Increasing territorial and social disadvantages, lagging regions and municipalities, the drastic deterioration of the quality of life of the people living there, economic processes and ...


29,90 € *

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This collection of essays analyses the changes that have taken place in the post-Soviet space since 1991.


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CONTENTS: SPECIAL SECTION: TEACHING IR IN WARTIME GUEST EDITORS: KATERYNA ZAREMBO, MICHÈLE KNODT and MAKSYM YAKOVLYEV Teaching the Russian War against Ukraine: Ukraine as a Microcosm of the Paradigm Shift from International Relations to Planetary Politics IAN MANNERS Will the Russian ...


34,00 € *

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This book is a product of personal and collective trauma, and a reflection of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War. It compiles narratives, shared by Olga Khomenko’s family members, friends, and former students, over the first two years of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The impetus for ...


22,00 € *

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Die menschliche Sprache und das Konzept der Grenze stehen in einer engen und facettenreichen Beziehung zueinander. Dieser Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich diesem Verhältnis aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nähern – in Literatur und (Populär-)Kultur, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, zwischen ...


22,00 € *

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This book examines the profound transformation that has occurred in Ukrainian society as a result of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.


32,00 € *

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Michael Marder


Pyropolitics delineates a semantico-discursive field, replete with the literal and metaphorical mentions and uses of fires in politics.


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War needs statistics. Numerical data on enemy casualties, equipment, losses and victories. But only those who come very close to it understand the nature of war. Only those and anyone who goes off to war themselves. War mercilessly exposes one’s innermost depths. Those perceived to be strong ...


22,00 € *

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Volodymyr Paniotto

Sociology in Jokes

Paniotto presents anecdotes on various topics that sociologists study and shows us what conclusions sociologists could draw from analyzing the joke.


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Rasmus Nilsson

Uncanny Allies

This book challenges widespread academic and media claims about the political relations between Russia and Belarus.


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Christian Kaunert, Alex MacKenzie, Adrien Nonjon

In the Eye of the Storm

This volume focuses on a highly controversial unit within the Ukrainian military, the Azov (former regiment) Brigade.


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Retired US Ambassador John J. Maresca draws on his personal papers to offer a first-hand account of his role in negotiating the end of the Cold War with the USSR.


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Gelinada Grinchenko, Marieluise Beck, Jan Claas Behrends, Oksana Mikheieva

Deutsch-ukrainische Geschichten

Die Ukraine war für die deut­sche Öffent­lich­keit lange Zeit ein fernes Land, nahezu eine terra inco­gnita. Sie wurde ent­we­der durch die ›rus­si­sche Brille‹ oder nur im Zusam­men­hang mit den deutschen Gräu­el­ta­ten des Zweiten Welt­kriegs betrach­tet. Deutsch­land ...


24,90 € *

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Die Ukraine ist das neue »West-Berlin« Ost-Europas. Die Annexion der Krim und die russische Invasion im Donbas zwangen Kyjiw zu rasantem Wandel. Vor zehn Jahren war die Ukraine noch ein postsowjetisches Land mit gespaltener Identität – heute ist sie ein Vorposten Europas, der nun bereits ...


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Der Titel des Buchs Die Zukunft, die wir uns wünschen entstand aus dem Thema der UN-Generalversammlung 2020. Dieses Thema als Vorlage für einen Sammelband ergab sich nicht zufällig. In der heutigen Welt, in der die Menschheit durch ökologische Krisen und Epidemien, Kriege und punktuelle ...


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Executing a Renaissance responds both to the poets, thinkers, and scholars who are again persecuted and executed by the Russian soldateska.


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This book is a collection of stories from witnesses and victims of Russian war atrocities that occurred in Ukraine after the invasion 2022.


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Memorial Deutschland e.V.

»Alles kann sich ändern«

Dieses Buch versammelt 29 letzte Worte von politischen Gefangenen. Einige sind rhetorische Meisterwerke – mutig sind sie alle.


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Tetiana Kostiuchenko, Tamara Martsenyuk

Russia’s War in Ukraine 2022

This book is a collection of personal reflections by scholars of different disciplines, offering a variety of perspectives on Russia’s war against Ukraine.


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Kerstin Lange


"Phantom Border" weaves together the social and ecological stories surrounding the border that divided the author’s native Germany during the Cold War.


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Bohdan Ben, Orysia Hrudka

Dark Days, Determined People

These 20 stories, collected from diverse regions of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion, speak of courage, resilience, pain, death, love, and hope.


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Heugenhauser untersucht die mediale Fokussierung auf das Krisenmanagement von Markus Söder und Armin Laschet.


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Rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu stavit pod ugrozu nezavisimost' strany i yeye shansy na razvitiye po zapadnomu obraztsu. No geroizm ukrainskogo naroda i nabirayushchaya silu natsional'naya identichnost' tol'ko ukreplyayut osnovaniya dlya razvorota strany na Zapad. Posle vtorzheniya ...


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Pomimo prakticheski polnogo razrusheniya suverennogo gosudarstva i izmeneniya global'nogo balansa sil, rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu vedet k radikal'nym preobrazovaniyam v regionakh Vostochnoy Yevropy i Yevrazii, vklyuchaya samu Rossiyu. V 13 glavakh etogo sbornika ...


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Neue Texte bezeugen Sigows Kyjiwer Kriegserfahrungen, ältere reflektieren die ukrainische „Revolution der Würde“ 2013/14.


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Discover "Schiller-Code": Poetry, Spirituality, Ecology, Historical and Contemporary New Stories. In 2021, during the pandemic, the author discovered that her partner Michael is a descendant of the poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. This surprising revelation, combined with her work ...


9,90 € *

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Gian Marco Dr. Moisé

The House Always Wins

Gian Marco Moisé explores the various ways in which corruption and informal governance converged and were shaped by everchanging power dynamics.


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Mykhailo Minakov

The Post-Soviet Human

The post-Soviet Human attempted to establish free politics and economy, as well as to gain collective emancipation and personal freedom between 1989 and 2022.


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L’Ucraina è ovviamente una parte integrante dell’Europa. Perciò, è necessario che gli europei sappiano cos’è l’Ucraina e chi sono gli Ucraini. Per la prima volta vengono fornite le risposte a queste domande in Ucraina Redux. Questo testo di facile lettura (con sei mappe storiche a ...


7,95 € *

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A thought-provoking and inspiring read—about the present as well as the future.


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Der Krieg in der Ukraine begann nicht am 24. Februar 2022. Er begann acht Jahre zuvor in der ostukrainischen Donbas-Region. In seinem vielbeachteten Buch untersucht Jakob Hauter die Eskalation der Gewalt im Frühjahr und Sommer 2014. Er zeigt, dass es sich bei dem Konflikt auch bereits vor 2022, ...


29,90 € *

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Valerio Alfonso Bruno, James F. Downes, Alessio Scopelliti

The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy

This book examines the recent rise of the radical right in Italian politics in the years 2018–2022.


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Toni Stenström provides a new and unique insight into one of Europe’s most unknown countries.


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Oleksiy V. Kresin, William E. Butler

The UN General Assembly Resolutions

This book examines the powers of the UN General Assembly and the legal character of its resolutions from 2014 through 2023 on anspects of the Russo-Ukrainan war.


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Andreas Heinemann-Grüder

Who Are the Fighters?

Based on interviews in the Russian-controlled Donbas with Ukrainian combatants, this book discloses dynamics of the mobilization, group formation, and fighting.


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This collection of essays and articles (2019-2024 ) illuminates recent Russian international affairs through the lens of Moscow’s propaganda tactics.


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Thomas Krüssmann, Gvantsa Davitashvili, Ivanna Machitidze

The 'New' Geopolitics in the Caucasus

This volume offers unique insights into the debates and perceptions of the EU’s involvement in the South Caucasus.


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Paul Robert Magocsi, Petrovsky-Shtern Yohanan

Jews and Ukrainians

This book sheds new light on highly controversial moments of Ukrainian-Jewish relations.


29,90 € *

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Michael Thumann


Thumann chronicles Russia's descent into an increasingly totalitarian dictatorship and the path leading to the escalation of Putin's imperialist war in 2022.


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This monograph explores the recent political history of Ukraine from a novel diachronic and comparative point of view.


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The ‘Summer of Love’ brought all sorts of unusual people and events to London but perhaps nothing so extraordinary as the Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation.


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Volume two includes articles about the Russia-Ukraine war and argues that this tragic conflict was preventable.


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Laruelle argumentiert, dass der Kampf um die Frage, wer faschistisch ist, ein Kampf um die Definition europäischer Identität ist.


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Darius Furmonavicius

Lithuania Transforms the West

This book analyzes security developments in Lithuania since 1988, a period marked by liberation, the collapse of the USSR, and the integration into NATO.


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