
Bohdan Ben, Orysia Hrudka

Dark Days, Determined People

These 20 stories, collected from diverse regions of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion, speak of courage, resilience, pain, death, love, and hope.


29,90 € *

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Heugenhauser untersucht die mediale Fokussierung auf das Krisenmanagement von Markus Söder und Armin Laschet.


24,90 € *

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Rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu stavit pod ugrozu nezavisimost' strany i yeye shansy na razvitiye po zapadnomu obraztsu. No geroizm ukrainskogo naroda i nabirayushchaya silu natsional'naya identichnost' tol'ko ukreplyayut osnovaniya dlya razvorota strany na Zapad. Posle ...


59,90 € *

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Pomimo prakticheski polnogo razrusheniya suverennogo gosudarstva i izmeneniya global'nogo balansa sil, rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu vedet k radikal'nym preobrazovaniyam v regionakh Vostochnoy Yevropy i Yevrazii, vklyuchaya samu Rossiyu. V 13 glavakh etogo sbornika ...


59,90 € *

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Neue Texte bezeugen Sigows Kyjiwer Kriegserfahrungen, ältere reflektieren die ukrainische „Revolution der Würde“ 2013/14.


24,90 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

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Discover "Schiller-Code": Poetry, Spirituality, Ecology, Historical and Contemporary New Stories. In 2021, during the pandemic, the author discovered that her partner Michael is a descendant of the poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. This surprising revelation, combined with her work ...


9,90 € *

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Gian Marco Dr. Moisé

The House Always Wins

Gian Marco Moisé explores the various ways in which corruption and informal governance converged and were shaped by everchanging power dynamics.


39,90 € *

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Mykhailo Minakov

The Post-Soviet Human

The post-Soviet Human attempted to establish free politics and economy, as well as to gain collective emancipation and personal freedom between 1989 and 2022.


24,90 € *

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L’Ucraina è ovviamente una parte integrante dell’Europa. Perciò, è necessario che gli europei sappiano cos’è l’Ucraina e chi sono gli Ucraini. Per la prima volta vengono fornite le risposte a queste domande in Ucraina Redux. Questo testo di facile lettura (con sei mappe storiche ...


7,95 € *

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A thought-provoking and inspiring read—about the present as well as the future.


22,00 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

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