The Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia share similar experiences in the past, and a swift post-communist integration into the originally West European communities of democratic countries, as their “return to Europe.” Michal Vít explores how these three countries have been influenced by the new all-European environment for their independent national development. He introduces a research framework for the analysis of national identity focusing on parliamentary political parties represented at both the national and European levels. How did these parties cope with possible misfits of their understanding of national identity? How did these tensions interplay with their new transnational European political environment? Vít’s study finds that, after the accession of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia to the EU, there started a gradual decrease of identification of political parties with the European space. The extent of this estrangement was determined by these parties’ belonging or non-belonging to European political party families. The book provides a better understanding of current political developments in East-Central Europe and their consequences for these countries’ national and European politics.
Michal Vit
Dr Michal Vít studied political science in Brno, Magdeburg, Konstanz, and Vienna. Since 2017, he has been Assistant Professor of European Studies at the Metropolitan University of Prague and a Research Fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. Previously, he held fellowships at the Institute for European Policy in Berlin and the International Institute of Political Science at Masaryk University.
Andrea Peto
Dr Andrea Peto (Andrea Pető) – istorikessa, professorka departamenta gendernykh issledovanii Тsentral'no-Evropeiskogo universiteta (CEU) v Vene. Obladatel'nitsa mnozhestva akademicheskikh nagrad, takikh kak Human Rights Award ot Universiteta Oslo (2022) i All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values (2018). Redaktorka bolee 30 akademicheskikh sbornikov i 7 mnografii. Sredi nedavnikh publikatsii Peto – monografii Forgotten Massacre: Budapest 1944 (DeGruyter 2021), The Women of the Arrow Cross Party (Palgrave 2020) i Das Unsagbare erzählen (Wallstein 2021). Ee stat'i publikovalis' v Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Journal of Women’s History, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Clio, Baltic Worlds, European Politics and Society, International Women’s Studies Forum, The Journal of Intelligence History, Journal of Genocide Research, East European Politics and Society, Feminist Theory, Contemporary European History i drugikh zhurnalakh. Nauchnye raboty Peto perevedeny na 23 iazyka.
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Delivery time 2-3 working days.
Foreword by | Andrea Peto |
Number of Pages |
Publication date |
Series |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Language |
Type |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
335 g
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