The war in Ukraine did not start on 24 February 2022. It began eight years earlier in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. In his new book, Jakob Hauter investigates the escalation of violence in the spring and summer of 2014. He demonstrates that, contrary to popular belief, the pre-2022 conflict was not a civil war. Ukraine has been fighting a Russian invasion since the armed conflict’s very beginning.
Hauter arrives at this conclusion based on a thorough review of the digital open source information (DOSI) available on the Internet. He argues that social science research needs theoretical and methodological innovation to operate in the abundant but murky information environment surrounding the Donbas War and other conflicts of the social media age. To address this challenge, he develops an escalation sequence model which divides the formative phase of the Donbas War into six critical junctures. He then combines the social science methodology of process tracing with DOSI analysis to investigate the causes of these critical junctures. For each juncture, Hauter assesses the available evidence of domestic causes and Russian interference, reaching the conclusion that, in most cases, there is convincing evidence that Russian involvement was the primary cause of armed escalation.
Jakob Hauter
Dr. Jakob Hauter promovierte im Jahr 2022 an der School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) des University College London (UCL). Zuvor studierte er Internationale Beziehungen und Europastudien in Dresden, Sankt Petersburg, Bath und Siena. Er arbeitete außerdem als Analyst russischer und ukrainischer Medien und Politik für die Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten im Vereinigten Königreich sowie als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter für die Recherchegruppe Forensic Architecture. Er ist Herausgeber des Sammelbandes Civil War? Interstate War? Hybrid War? Dimensions and Interpretations of the Donbas Conflict in 2014-2020 (ibidem 2021) und hat Beiträge im Journal of Strategic Security, in The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review sowie in Media, War & Conflict veröffentlicht.
Yevgen Nasadyuk
Hiroaki Kuromiya
Dr Hiroaki Kuromiya is Emeritus Professor of History at Indiana University in Bloomington.
Delivery time
Delivery time 2-3 working days.
Photos from | Yevgen Nasadyuk |
Foreword by | Hiroaki Kuromiya |
Number of Pages |
Publication date |
Language |
English, Original language of a translated text: English
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Series |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Type |
452 g
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