Agárdi traces the interactions between micro- and macro- narratives and the specific tools women of this generation appropriate to talk about traumatic memories.


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Antiziganism is a widespread phenomenon in all European societies. Poor or rich, ‘postcommunist’ or ‘traditional’, North or South, with ‘lean’ or ‘thick’ welfare systems-all European societies demonstrate antiziganist prejudice. All across Europe Romanis are among the poorest, ...


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The bilingual, French–English journal Méthod(e)s, founded in 2015, is an African initiative with the objective to enlarge the methodological debates on the Global South. The desire for a strong understanding of methodology is to situate it above academic trends, thereby placing it in line ...


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Irina Angelescu, Paul Flather, Sergiu Gherghina

Facets of Migration in Contemporary Europe

The literature on migration realities in Europe is usually centered around the role played by the EU on member states’ migration policies. In order to offer a comparative cross-country approach, previous research often allows too much to fall through the cracks. Facets of Migration in ...


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Trotz der in den letzten Jahren immer größeren Dominanz des Weltsystemmodells und der Verlagerung des Erkenntnisinteresses auf die Globalisierung der Bildungssysteme sind weiterhin national- und kulturspezifisch erklärbare Unterschiede der Lern- und Lehrkulturen in jedem Land festzustellen. ...


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„Hier in kühler Walderde unauffällig begraben zu liegen, müßte süß sein. […] Ein Grab im Wald zu haben, wäre schön. […]. Ich wünschte mir solches.“, schrieb Robert Walser bereits vor 90 Jahren in seiner Erzählung Der Spaziergang. Seit einigen Jahren sorgt ein neues ...


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Detlef Ax geht in seinem Werk von der These aus, daß wir in einer "vaterlosen Kultur" leben, das heißt, daß eine tendenzielle Vaterlosigkeit bzw. ein Mangel an Vaterfiguren bei der Erziehung und in den Erziehungseinrichtungen besteht (neben einem Männerüberhang in der Öffentlichkeit und ...


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This timely book seeks to contribute to the debate on the transfer of values, rules, and practices by European actors to former soviet countries. The actors in focus include multilateral organizations, such as the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Security and ...


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Larissa Babij

A Kind of Refugee

Written with a fierce love for Ukraine and its people, this is a testament to the courage of ordinary people committed to freedom while defending their homeland.


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A thought-provoking and inspiring read—about the present as well as the future.


22,00 € *

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