
Sándor Klapcsik, Zénó Vernyik

Brutal Aspects of Migratory Esthetics

Ever since the Second World War, the movement of refugees as well as of those seeking better opportunities for work, for education, or a functional democracy, has dominated headlines, influenced political debates, and shaped elections and referenda. Growing nationalist sentiments and policies ...


29,90 € *

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Since the late 20th century, humanity has faced several challenges that make us feel increasingly vulnerable. Increasing territorial and social disadvantages, lagging regions and municipalities, the drastic deterioration of the quality of life of the people living there, economic processes and ...


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This book is a product of personal and collective trauma, and a reflection of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War. It compiles narratives, shared by Olga Khomenko’s family members, friends, and former students, over the first two years of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The impetus for ...


22,00 € *

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Die menschliche Sprache und das Konzept der Grenze stehen in einer engen und facettenreichen Beziehung zueinander. Dieser Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich diesem Verhältnis aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nähern – in Literatur und (Populär-)Kultur, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, zwischen ...


22,00 € *

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Volodymyr Paniotto

Sociology in Jokes

Paniotto presents anecdotes on various topics that sociologists study and shows us what conclusions sociologists could draw from analyzing the joke.


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Die Ukraine ist das neue »West-Berlin« Ost-Europas. Die Annexion der Krim und die russische Invasion im Donbas zwangen Kyjiw zu rasantem Wandel. Vor zehn Jahren war die Ukraine noch ein postsowjetisches Land mit gespaltener Identität – heute ist sie ein Vorposten Europas, der nun bereits ...


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Der Titel des Buchs Die Zukunft, die wir uns wünschen entstand aus dem Thema der UN-Generalversammlung 2020. Dieses Thema als Vorlage für einen Sammelband ergab sich nicht zufällig. In der heutigen Welt, in der die Menschheit durch ökologische Krisen und Epidemien, Kriege und punktuelle ...


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Executing a Renaissance responds both to the poets, thinkers, and scholars who are again persecuted and executed by the Russian soldateska.


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This book is a collection of stories from witnesses and victims of Russian war atrocities that occurred in Ukraine after the invasion 2022.


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Kerstin Lange


"Phantom Border" weaves together the social and ecological stories surrounding the border that divided the author’s native Germany during the Cold War.


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Bohdan Ben, Orysia Hrudka

Dark Days, Determined People

These 20 stories, collected from diverse regions of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion, speak of courage, resilience, pain, death, love, and hope.


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Neue Texte bezeugen Sigows Kyjiwer Kriegserfahrungen, ältere reflektieren die ukrainische „Revolution der Würde“ 2013/14.


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Discover "Schiller-Code": Poetry, Spirituality, Ecology, Historical and Contemporary New Stories. In 2021, during the pandemic, the author discovered that her partner Michael is a descendant of the poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. This surprising revelation, combined with her work ...


9,90 € *

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A thought-provoking and inspiring read—about the present as well as the future.


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Paul Robert Magocsi, Petrovsky-Shtern Yohanan

Jews and Ukrainians

This book sheds new light on highly controversial moments of Ukrainian-Jewish relations.


29,90 € *

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The ‘Summer of Love’ brought all sorts of unusual people and events to London but perhaps nothing so extraordinary as the Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation.


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Klaus Buchenau, Matthias Fechner

Die verlorene Wissenschaft

Die Corona-Maßnahmen der Jahre 2020–2022 wurden mit Verweis auf „die Wissenschaft“ legitimiert.


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Larissa Babij

A Kind of Refugee

Written with a fierce love for Ukraine and its people, this is a testament to the courage of ordinary people committed to freedom while defending their homeland.


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A tale of the joys and hardships of simple living, of an enduring curiosity about the world, of teachers and friends, of Chinese and American societies.


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This book present the answers that Marxist dependency theory has formulated to development questions.


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Alex Levant, Miriam McSweeney, Kyoko Murakami

Activity Theory

This method illuminates the materiality of human practice, which shapes the subject in ways that biological and cultural explanations cannot fully capture.


49,90 € *

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Anna Romandash

Women of Ukraine

This book presents a collection of reportages from Ukraine spanning roughly one year, from February 2022 to February 2023.


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Teper', kogda uchenyye dolzhny byt' uchitelyami, menedzherami, media-katalizatorami, analitikami, fandrayzerami i inflyuyenserami: kak nayti khoroshiy balans mezhdu ozhidayemym ot vas i chto vy khotite sdelat'? Kakiye konferentsii poseshchat'? Kak nayti den'gi, chtoby poyekhat' tuda? Stoit li ...


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Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung basiert auf Gesprächen, die im Juli 2016 mit afghanischen Flüchtlingen in Deutschland geführt wurden.


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Sterbling schlägt einen neuen Ideologiebegriff vor – unter maßgeblicher Berücksichtigung grundlegender Zusammenhänge.


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Les réflexions menées dans cet ouvrage procèdent d’une démarche pluridisciplinaire. Elles portent sur les mutations socio-économiques, politiques et culturelles qui caractérisent nos sociétés contemporaines. La numérisation de la vie de l’homme a engendré un nouvel humanisme ...


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When this book was written, it was the story of one death among many in the war in Eastern Ukraine. After February 24, 2022, it became the story of a country under severe attack.


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Sieglinde Eva Tömmel

Flucht nach Deutschland

Von 2016 an führte Sieglinde Eva Tömmel über Jahre hinweg Gespräche mit nach Deutschland geflüchteten Afghanen. Als Psychoanalytikerin erfahren mit der Behandlung von traumatisierten Patienten, bot sie ehrenamtliche Trauma-Sprechstunden im Rahmen eines Asylkreises im Süden von München an. ...


22,00 € *

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Sandra Kostner, Tanya Lieske

Pandemiepolitik. Freiheit unterm Rad?

Der Band beleuchtet, wie sich der Stellenwert individueller Freiheitsrechte durch die ergriffenen Coronamaßnahmen verändert hat.


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This book is above all a commitment to encounter.


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Rosales Sandoval focuses on the factors that influence the implementation of the policies that sending states have adopted to reach out to their citizens abroad.


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Vjeran Katunarić

The Whispers of the Muses

Although there is widespread belief that some artists attract the attention of muses more than others, this topic has, so far, not been taken up seriously in art history or sociology of culture. In his fascinating book, Vjeran Katunarić starts out by presenting many artworks, from literature ...


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The European social security law, i.e. the European regulations on the coordination of social security for migrant workers, has been evolving for over 60 years. This book is the result of a dialogue between academia and practitioners in Germany and Greece on practical issues regarding the ...


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Khromeychuk bringt ihrer Leserschaft die Ereignisse dieses nun noch brutaler geführten Krieges im Herzen Europas und die private Erfahrung des Krieges näher.


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The pharmaceutical ecosystem in Basel, Switzerland, concentrates highly skilled professionals and their families into a small area, profoundly changing the local social landscape and transforming the lived experiences of those involved. Using a multidisciplinary approach to unpack the narratives ...


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Agárdi traces the interactions between micro- and macro- narratives and the specific tools women of this generation appropriate to talk about traumatic memories.


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African cultural productions of humour have increased even in the face of myriad economic foibles and social upheavals. For instance, from the 1990s, stand-up comedy emerged across the continent and has maintained a pervasive presence since then. Its specificities are related to contemporary ...


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Isabell Harstick, Katharina Wilke

Dialogische Prozesse in der Sozialen Arbeit

Inspiriert von der Dialogphilosophie Martin Bubers und der Dialog-Methode David Bohms befassen sich Isabell Harstick und Katharina Wilke mit folgenden Fragestellungen für die praktische Soziale Arbeit: · In welcher Form kann der Dialog ein verbindendes Element zwischen sozialpolitischen ...


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Mit diesem Band legt Cornelia Muth eine Sammlung von Beiträgen zur Dialogphilosophie und deren bleibendem – resilienten – Fortbestehen vor. Aus den Beiträgen: Was bleibt also für mich vom Dialog? Zum Schluss vor allem die Erkenntnis, dass mich das Mit-mir-selbst-dialogisch-Sein ...


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The book works with a multi-level approach to the analysis of engagements with the lost diversity in historical urban milieus full of post-war voids and ruptures.


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Khromeychuk attempts to help her readers understand the private experience of this still ongoing but almost forgotten war in the heart of Europe.


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B. J. De Cordier, Adrien Fauve, Jeroen Van Den Bosch

The European Handbook of Central Asian Studies

This handbook is the first collection of comprehensive teaching materials for teachers and students of Central Asian Studies (CAS) with a strong pedagogic dimension. It presents 22 chapters, clustered around five themes, with contributions from more than 19 scholars, all leading experts in the ...


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The social sciences and humanities worldwide are discovering the necessity to self-critically reshape their theorizing: The first critique of social science theorizing calls for ‘globalizing’, the second, parallel critique, for ‘de-colonizing’ social thought. In his highly topical ...


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The future of our world over the next decade is being shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to uphold children’s wellbeing and, by their call to leave no one behind and to reach the furthest behind first, shine a spotlight on the world’s most vulnerable populations ...


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Leon-Marie Nkolo Ndjodo

La Théorie Postcoloniale

La théorie culturelle et esthétique postcoloniale fixe les difficultés du continent africain dans une stylistique de l’horreur et une anthropologie de l’échec et de l’impuissance culturelle. Elle produit une lecture minoritaire, marginale et hybride des productions artistiques ...


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The bilingual, French–English journal Méthod(e)s, founded in 2015, is an African initiative with the objective to enlarge the methodological debates on the Global South. The desire for a strong understanding of methodology is to situate it above academic trends, thereby placing it in line ...


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Das Thema der Integration von Einwanderern und deren Nachkommen ist in Deutschland wissenschaftlich-analytisch und politisch-normativ hoch umstritten. Migrationsforscher Stefan Böckler gibt mit seinem vorliegenden Essay wichtige Impulse für diese Debatte, indem er wesentliche Annahmen des ...


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The book explores transformations of the apocalyptic figure of the Antichrist in various post-Soviet discourses.


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Markus Jaeger explores the coalescence of Joan Baez's work as a singer and songwriter with her endeavors as a political activist throughout the last sixty years. He illustrates an American popular singer's significance as a political activist—for her audiences and for her opponents as well as ...


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Jayjit Sarkar, Auritra Munshi

border and bordering

Border and Bordering: Politics, Poetics, Precariousness focuses on the idea of border and its various geopolitical, sociocultural, and cognitive incarnations. In recent times, border has emerged as a common trope in contemporary language with phenomena such as ‘bordering’, ‘borderless’, ...


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