Ecological Energy Policy

Editor: Prof. Dr. Danyel Reiche

ISSN 1864-5860

How can we initiate an ecological transformation process in the energy industry, a development toward increased use of renewable energies, more efficiency where the burning of fossil resources is still necessary, and the faster reduction of the gross energy consumption?
As evident as the necessity for changes of that kind may appear, it has only recently been brought to the attention of a broader international audience: The consequences of global warming, external costs, the finiteness of fossil resources, and the regional conglomeration of fossil sources bear problems for mankind on a scale that seemed utterly unthinkable before.

So the goal of the series Ecological Energy Policy (EEP) is not about the – now widely accepted – necessity for a change, a transformation process, but it aims to discuss how such an alteration can be implemented in real-life economy and society.
Crucial for the papers to be published within EEP are the answers to questions such as:
- Which political, economical, technical, and cognitive restrictions oppose change, by which factors (success conditions) can those restrictions be overcome?

- Which actors can support change, which constellations of actors are necessary to induce alterations?

- Which regulating pattern is in favor of the implementation of a transformation process? How do the different instruments have to be formed, what is a reasonable policy mix to achieve the effects intended?

The new series EEP presents an attractive platform for the publication of monographs, anthologies, conference volumes, and studies.
The first three volumes of the series are studies of outstanding quality which represent research that was conducted under the series' editor's supervision at the Otto Suhr Institute for political science and in the master course Environmental Management at the Freie Universität Berlin.
May the series EEP contribute to a better understanding of the possibilities and constraints of the implementation of an ecological transformation process within the energy industry.

The series' editor, Prof. Dr. Danyel Reiche, is Assistant Professor for Comparative Politics at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon.

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