Literature and Culture in Middle and Eastern Europe

Editor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler

ISSN 2195-1497

This series was founded to give a platform for the contemporary research into Literature and Culture of Middle and Eastern Europe. Master’s theses and comparable Qualification works are deliberately placed next to dissertations, habilitation theses, monographs and subject-oriented collection because their innovative ideas are too often kept from the scientific public. The profile of the series is geographical rather than philological, just to do all of the connections that can be found in East-Middle, Southeastern, and Eastern literature as well as in the literature of German speaking areas, justice. The visualization of these manifold contact points, overlaps, and influences is one of the core impulses for the publication of this series, generally and individually.
Even though the series thrives on its variety of content and methods, there are some central subjects presented, too: I.e. the literary and cultural processing of the Holocaust, a focus born out of the successful Gießen project on comparative research of this important and productive issue, using Polish, Czech, Slovakian, and German material. Further, defining subjects are the discourse on modernity and avant-garde, questions of genre typology and history, as well as interdisciplinary aspects of aesthetics and literary and cultural theory, as far as it is grounded in Middle and Eastern European intellectual tradition. Anyone who is interested in contributing with innovative and interesting projects is cordially invited to do so.

The editor:
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler is Chair of Slavic Philology, focusing on Russian, Czech, and Polish Literary Research and Theory at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. He has dealt, among other things, with questions concerning literary cyclization, typology and development of selected genres (e.g. comedy, elegy, sonnet) and literary-artistic communication. At present, Prof. Dr. Ibler is the head of the research group for Holocaust Literature and Culture in Middle and Eastern Europe. Further, he has several projects on the History of Ballads and on the Topicality of functionalist designs in Literary and Cultural research. For further information, visit

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