
The Kremlin has sought to establish an exclusive Russian sphere of influence in the nations lying between Russia and the EU, from Georgia in 2008 to Ukraine in 2014 and Belarus in 2020. It has extended its control by means of military intervention, territorial annexation, economic pressure and ...


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Li-Chun Hsiao attempts to rethink, under the rubric of globalization, several key notions in postcolonial theory and writings by revisiting what he conceives as “the primal scene of postcoloniality”—the Haitian Revolution. He unpacks and critiques the post-structuralist penchants and ...


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Adis Merdzanovic, Kalypso Nicolaidis

A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law

In our daily lives, the rule of law matters more than anything and yet remains an invisible presence. We trust in the rule of law to protect us from governmental overreach, mafia godfathers, or the will of the majority. We take the rule of law for granted, often failing to recognize its ...


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This volume of collected papers takes stock of what has become known about the war in eastern Ukraine’s Donets Basin (Donbas) between April 2014 and mid-2020. It provides an introduction to the conflict and illustrates the key point of contention in the academic debate surrounding it—the ...


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Gwendolyn Sasse, Daria Isachenko, Mykhailo Minakov

Post-Soviet Secessionism

The USSR’s dissolution resulted in the creation of not only fifteen recognized states but also of four non-recognized statelets: Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. Their polities comprise networks with state-like elements. Since the early 1990s, the four pseudo-states ...


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Das Thema der Integration von Einwanderern und deren Nachkommen ist in Deutschland wissenschaftlich-analytisch und politisch-normativ hoch umstritten. Migrationsforscher Stefan Böckler gibt mit seinem vorliegenden Essay wichtige Impulse für diese Debatte, indem er wesentliche Annahmen des ...


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Agostina Costantino, Thiago Lima

Food Security and International Relations

People are often surprised to learn that although the current global levels of food production are sufficient to feed all of humanity, the problems of undernourishment increase year by year in many countries. Economic growth, while important, is not a guarantee for reducing hunger. The ...


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In den 1930er-Jahren, nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland, geriet das Gebiet der heutigen Slowakischen Republik, das Teil der Tschechoslowakei war, in den Blickpunkt deutscher NS-Ökonomen: Es sollte eine wichtige Rolle beim Aufbau einer neuen „deutschen ...


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Schule lässt sich in ihrer multidimensionalen Determiniertheit immer nur als einheitliches Ganzes verstehen. Dies zeigt sich an einer Vielgestaltigkeit, die Qualitätsfragen auf unterschiedlichsten Wegen beantwortet und sich nur im Zusammenwirken der einzelnen schulischen Handlungsfelder zu ...


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The contributions gathered in this fascinating collection, in which scholars from a diverse range of disciplines share their perspectives on Russian covert activities known as Russian active measures, help readers observe the profound influence of Russian covert action on foreign states’ ...


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