
Dieses Buch richtet sich nicht nur an im Bereich der Umweltpädagogik Tätige, sondern an alle, die Interesse daran haben, Umweltbildung und Integration zusammen zu denken. Der einleitende Theorieteil gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Begrifflichkeiten, die im Kontext der ...


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Cathleen Strunz


Was hat Bildung mit Homöostase zu tun? Was bringt uns die theoretische Unterscheidung zwischen Erkenntnis und Viabilität? Warum bildet die Frage „Was ist der Mensch?“ den Ankerpunkt des Bildungsdiskurses? Ausgehend von einer qualitativ-empirischen Studie zum fächerübergreifenden ...


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When Megan Buskey’s grandmother Anna dies in Cleveland in 2013, Megan is compelled in her grief to uncover and document her grandmother’s life as a native of Ukraine. A Ukrainian American, Buskey returns to her family’s homeland and enlists her relatives there to help her in her ...


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Framed by complexity-thinking, this book uses the prism of security sector reform (SSR) to trace the co-evolution of the Western Balkans as part of the EU/Europe security community and the European Union (EU) as a security actor. It aims to analyse the suitability and adaptability of EU security ...


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This book details how Russia’s February 2022 open invasion of Ukraine has led to the biggest military conflagration and refugee crisis in Europe since World War II—a development with global ramifications. Co-written by a leading Western political expert, with three decades of research on ...


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The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative has produced a flurry of activities both in the countries of the South Caucasus and in Russia. While mostly analyzed through the lens of geo-politics and geo-economics, there is new research emerging that represents more sophisticated approaches from a ...


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When this book was written, it was the story of one death among many in the war in Eastern Ukraine. After February 24, 2022, it took on a new dimension - now it is not only a personal story, but the story of a country under severe attack.  The premonitions about Putin’s intentions that ...


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Mykhailo Minakov

Philosophy Unchained

The East European nations’ common past in the Soviet Union connects them in terms of both their political histories and the evolution of their philosophical thought. The USSR’s dissolution created new opportunities, domestic and international, in science, politics, and business. ...


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Russkie emigranty, pokinuvshie svoiu stranu posle pobedy bol´shevistskoi revolutsii, stali svideteliami i zhertvami pervoi v istorii popytki prevrashcheniia totalitarnoi utopii v deistvitel´nost´. Mnogie iz nikh poniali, chto sobytiia 1917 g. byli lish´ pervym aktom obshcheevropieskoi ...


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"Aleksandr Prokhanov (born 1938) is a prizewinning novelist and also, as editor of the weekly newspaper Zavtra, a leading figure in Russian ‘imperial patriotism’. Ever since 1991, when he signed (and reputedly wrote) the manifesto for the failed putsch against Mikhail Gorbachev, he has been ...


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