
Gunter Dehnert, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Leonid Luks, Alexei Rybakow, Marina Tsoi, Andreas Umland

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Den radikalen Bruch Peters des Großen mit den russischen Traditionen „empfanden die Zeitgenossen (…) geradezu (als) revolutionär“ und „der Eindruck der Reform im Abendland (…) war ein ungeheurer.“ Nach den Denkmustern der Aufklärung war das Russische Reich noch gleichsam tabula ...


34,50 € *

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Kyrylo Tkachenko

Rechte Tür Links

Wie kommt es, dass viele Linke besonders anfällig für russische Narrative über den russisch-ukrainischen Krieg sind? Und warum überschneiden sich die linken Interpretationen so stark mit denjenigen der Rechten, sobald es um die Ukraine geht? Kommt dabei etwas zum Ausdruck, das man als linkes ...


24,90 € *

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Nadiia Koval, Denys Tereshchenko

Russian Cultural Diplomacy under Putin

This book breaks into the black box of Russian cultural diplomacy’s ideological underpinnings and modi operandi. Relying on publicly accessible sources such as annual reports, news from official websites, social media posts, and other pertinent materials, the contributors examine the three ...


24,90 € *

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This book investigates the making of Ukraine’s foreign policy towards the European Union and Russia between February 2014 and February 2015. To contextualize the events of the first year of the Russian-Ukrainian War, Nychyk lays out the history of the EU-Ukraine-Russia triangle since 1991 and ...


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This is a selection of essays and dispatches from a veteran observer of the development of Ukrainian culture and politics over the course of a decade. The volume deals with the issue of Ukrainian-Jewish relations and its historical legacy in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine. It ...


24,90 € *

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Heather Devere, John von Heyking, Graham M. Smith

Friendship Studies: Politics and Practices

This anthology brings together scholarship in the field of Friendship Studies. In recent decades, friendship has been a site of analysis for understanding the connections between people and groups, and as a fabric for holding the political and social together. Starting with the theoretical ...


42,00 € *

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Peacebuilding aims to resolve conflicts by addressing the root causes. The mainstream theory of peacebuilding is the liberal approach, which has been successful in some regions but has also faced criticism and failures in others. In response to the need for new approaches to peacebuilding, China ...


49,90 € *

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Bohdan Harasymiw

Post-Euromaidan Ukraine

Ukraine is a misfit among post-communist states, being neither a respectable, stable democracy nor an autocracy. Nor does it sit well as a patronal political system, like other post-Soviet regimes, since the Euromaidan Revolution. This study examines the presidencies of Petro Poroshenko and ...


34,90 € *

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Anna Romandash

Women of Ukraine

This book presents a collection of reportages from Ukraine spanning roughly one year, from February 2022 to February 2023. Its focus is on the experiences of women in the context of war, whether they are soldiers, volunteers, refugees, or do not fit into any of these categories. Through their ...


22,00 € *

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The war in Ukraine is putting Germanyʹs political and economic actions to the test. For decades, Ukraine, the second-largest state in Europe, was overlooked and Russia was courted. With fatal consequences. Germany has failed, as Sabine Adler states, an expert on Eastern Europe. Her analysis ...


24,90 € *

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