
This volume compares different regional perspectives on the national and democracy-building aims of individual states. It confronts discourses about national states to regional perspectives on the past as well as the current political and social landscape. Why are we observing calls for ...


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Skylarks and Rebels is a story about Latvia’s fate in the 20th century as told by Rita Laima, a Latvian American who chose to leave behind the comforts of life in America to explore the land of her ancestors, Latvia, which in the 1980s languished behind the Soviet Iron Curtain. In writing ...


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John E Richardson

British Fascism

Fascism is inherently duplicitous, claiming one thing whilst being committed to something else. In examining this dishonesty, it is essential to distinguish between the surface arguments in fascist discourse and the underlying ideological commitments. Analyzing contemporary fascism is ...


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Carmen Sylva, Silvia Irina Zimmermann

Monsieur Hampelmann / Domnul Pulcinel

In mehreren Märchen der Königin Elisabeth von Rumänien (1843-1916), die sie unter dem Künstlernamen Carmen Sylva veröffentlichte, finden sich autobiografische Aspekte, die an tragische Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Königin von Rumänien und Gemahlin des Königs Carol I. von Rumänien ...


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Felix Ackermann, Julie Fedor, Samuel Greene, Andre Härtel, Andrey Makarychev

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

This special issue provides a forum for discussion of what Belarusian Studies are today and which new approaches and questions are needed to revitalize the field in the regional and international academic arena. The major aim of the issue is to go beyond the narratives of dictatorship and ...


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The Sobibor Death Camp was the second extermination camp built by the Nazis as part of the secretive Operation Reinhardt—with intent to carry out the mass murder of Polish Jewry. Following the construction of the extermination camp at Belzec in south-eastern Poland from November 1941 to March ...


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When Sophica was abruptly separated from her father as a toddler, she found a haven in Grandmother Gitté. But one sunny day in July, when she was six years old, gendarmes marching and shouting in the streets stopped her dreamy childhood and her hopes to go to school and to be a big girl like ...


19,90 € *

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1932 unterschrieb der junge deutsche Architekt Rudolf Wolters einen Vertrag mit der Berliner Vertretung des sowjetischen Volkskommissariats für Eisenbahntransport über eine Arbeitsverpflichtung in der UdSSR. Zwei Jahre zuvor hatte Wolters seine Dissertation über die Projektierung von ...


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Am späten Abend des 22. Februar 1939 verkündeten drei Richter des Militärkollegiums des Obersten Gerichtes der UdSSR mit müden Stimmen und ausdruckslosen Gesichtern ihr Urteil: Todesstrafe mit sofortigem Vollzug. Der Mann, der vor ihnen stand, durch wochenlange Tortur gebrochen, mental ...


59,90 € *

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This fascinating book analyzes the socialist past as represented in the national history museums of the majority of the former Yugoslav states. While traveling to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia, the study elucidates the strategies of constructing the national ...


29,90 € *

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