The war separated families, took lives, broke fates ... It is very important to know and remember it at any time. Even many decades later, new details, memories, and testimonies appear.
This book gathers several fascinating, true family stories written from accounts of parents, grandparents, etc. The authors, whose articles were collected with the help of the popular scientific publication Historical Truth, tell us about the worst war of the 20th century, about the fate of those people whose lives were divided forever into “before” and “after.” Here we can find first-hand accounts about Ukrainians who fought in various armies, about the lives of deported people, about the fate of people taken to compulsory labor camps, and about the men and women who remain in our memories forever.
Vakhtang Kipiani
Vakhtang Kipiani ist ein ukrainischer Journalist und Historiker. Er ist Chefredakteur des populären Kyjiwer Online-Mediums Istorytschna Pravda (Historische Wahrheit). Vakhtang Kipiani nahm 1990 aktiv an der "Revolution auf dem Granit" (so benannt nach dem Stein auf dem Kyjiwer Unabhängigkeitsplatz) teil. Deren Nachwirkungen führten schließlich zur Unabhängigkeit der Ukraine im August 1991. Nach einem Geschichtsstudium arbeitete er für mehrere ukrainische Zeitungen und Fernsehsender sowie als Dozent für Journalistik an der Ukrainischen Katholischen Universität. Kipiani erforscht die illegale Presse sowie Dissidentenbewegung der Sowjetzeit und Ausprägungen von Extremismus in den heutigen Medien. Zu seinen früheren Anthologien gehören u.a. Der Fall Wasyl Stus (Ukrainisch; Vivat 2019) zum sowjetischen Prozess gegen den bedeutenden ostukrainischen Dichter sowie Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Ukraine: Geschichte und Lebensgeschichten (Deutsch und Englisch; ibidem-Verlag 2021).
Daisy Gibbons
Vakhtang Kipiani, born in Tbilisi in 1971, is a prominent Ukrainian political publicist as well as editor of the popular Kyiv Internet magazine Istorychna Pravda (Historical Truth). As a student in 1990, he was an active participant in the "Revolution on Granite" (so named after the stone in Kyiv's Independence Square), the after-effects of which eventually led to Ukraine's independence in August 1991. After studying history, he worked for several Ukrainian newspapers and television stations and as a lecturer in journalism at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Kipiani's research interests include the illegal press as well as the dissident movement of the Soviet era and manifestations of extremism in today's media. His previous anthologies include The Case of Vasyl Stus (Vivat 2019), on the Soviet trial of the eminent eastern Ukrainian poet, and A Country of Female Descent (Vivat 2021), featuring testimonies of significant 20th-century Ukrainian women.
Zenia Tompkins
Zenia Tompkins is an American literary translator and the founder of the Tompkins Agency for Ukrainian Literature in Translation (TAULT), a nonprofit literary agency and translation house.
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
übersetzt von | Daisy Gibbons, Zenia Tompkins |
Seitenzahl |
Typ |
Sprache |
Erscheinungsdatum |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Reihe |
Ukrainian Voices
351 g
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