Teper', kogda uchenyye dolzhny byt' uchitelyami, menedzherami, media-katalizatorami, analitikami, fandrayzerami i inflyuyenserami: kak nayti khoroshiy balans mezhdu ozhidayemym ot vas i chto vy khotite sdelat'? Kakiye konferentsii poseshchat'? Kak nayti den'gi, chtoby poyekhat' tuda? Stoit li vystupat' v roli retsenzenta? Na kakikh izdateley luchshe oriyentirovat'sya? Stoit li rabotat' nad publikatsiyey glavy v otredaktirovannoy knige? Eta kniga prednaznachena dlya togo, chtoby pomoch' uchenym planirovat' i strategicheski myslit' svoyu sobstvennuyu kar'yeru. Nachinaya s «Kak publikovat'sya v khoroshikh zhurnalakh», v ney issleduyetsya ryad voprosov, s kotorymi bol'shinstvo uchenykh stalkivayutsya na raznykh etapakh svoyey kar'yery.
Abel Polese
Abel Polese: scholar, development worker, writer, and wannabe musician (with his children at Multea Music YouTube channel). He works at Dublin City University and has, to date, published 15 books, over 100 peer-reviewed chapters and articles and designed capacity building and training programs on the Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin America (funded by, inter alia, the EC, UNDP, Erasmus National Agencies, Irish Aid). In addition to “The Scopus Diaries” he has been working on the blog (and future book) “the guide to everywhere,” suggesting an approach to travel that can make people “read” new countries and cultures even when one encounters them for the first time.
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
Seitenzahl |
Typ |
Sprache |
Russisch, Original Sprache des übersetzten Textes: Englisch
Erscheinungsdatum |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
397 g
Herstellerangaben zur Produktsicherheit gemäß EU-GPSR
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