
Rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu stavit pod ugrozu nezavisimost' strany i yeye shansy na razvitiye po zapadnomu obraztsu. No geroizm ukrainskogo naroda i nabirayushchaya silu natsional'naya identichnost' tol'ko ukreplyayut osnovaniya dlya razvorota strany na Zapad. Posle ...


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Pomimo prakticheski polnogo razrusheniya suverennogo gosudarstva i izmeneniya global'nogo balansa sil, rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu vedet k radikal'nym preobrazovaniyam v regionakh Vostochnoy Yevropy i Yevrazii, vklyuchaya samu Rossiyu. V 13 glavakh etogo sbornika ...


59,90 € *

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Gian Marco Dr. Moisé

The House Always Wins

Gian Marco Moisé explores the various ways in which corruption and informal governance converged and were shaped by everchanging power dynamics.


39,90 € *

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Mykhailo Minakov

The Post-Soviet Human

The post-Soviet Human attempted to establish free politics and economy, as well as to gain collective emancipation and personal freedom between 1989 and 2022.


24,90 € *

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L’Ucraina è ovviamente una parte integrante dell’Europa. Perciò, è necessario che gli europei sappiano cos’è l’Ucraina e chi sono gli Ucraini. Per la prima volta vengono fornite le risposte a queste domande in Ucraina Redux. Questo testo di facile lettura (con sei mappe storiche ...


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Der Krieg in der Ukraine begann nicht am 24. Februar 2022. Er begann acht Jahre zuvor in der ostukrainischen Donbas-Region. In seinem vielbeachteten Buch untersucht Jakob Hauter die Eskalation der Gewalt im Frühjahr und Sommer 2014. Er zeigt, dass es sich bei dem Konflikt auch bereits vor ...


29,90 € *

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Valerio Alfonso Bruno, James F. Downes, Alessio Scopelliti

The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy

This book examines the recent rise of the radical right in Italian politics in the years 2018–2022.


22,00 € *

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Toni Stenström provides a new and unique insight into one of Europe’s most unknown countries.


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Oleksiy V. Kresin, William E. Butler

The UN General Assembly Resolutions

This book examines the powers of the UN General Assembly and the legal character of its resolutions from 2014 through 2023 on anspects of the Russo-Ukrainan war.


24,90 € *

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Andreas Heinemann-Grüder

Who Are the Fighters?

Based on interviews in the Russian-controlled Donbas with Ukrainian combatants, this book discloses dynamics of the mobilization, group formation, and fighting.


34,90 € *

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