The recent history of post-Soviet societies is often described in terms of the transition metaphor. Images of movement as well as changing places and situations were foundational for the social conceptualization of the new nations. The idea of looking for novelty and new beginnings legitimized the dissolution of the USSR as well as many state- and economy-related experiments. This volume describes how the new societies survived this period of regime change, economic crises, internal wars, political drawbacks, and social innovations, and how they are making sense of it.
The volume’s contributors include Russian, Ukrainian, and German scholars who analyze political, social, and cultural ideologies: Natalia Koulinka, Kostiantyn Fedorenko, Pavel Skigin, Jesko Schmoller, Valentyna Kyselova, Anton Avksentiev, Chris Monday, Egor Isaev, Oleksandr Zabirko, Sergiy Kurbatov, Alla Marchenko, Jennifer J. Carroll, Daria Goriacheva, and Darya Malyutina.
Alexander Etkind
Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017).
Mykhailo Minakov
Mykhailo Minakov is a senior advisor at the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute and a philosopher and scholar working in the areas of political philosophy, social theory, international development, and history of modernity. He is also the editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Ideology and Politics Journal, of the Kennan Focus Ukraine blog, and of the philosophical web portal Koinè. Minakov is the author of seven books, co-author of another six books, and of numerous articles in philosophy, political analysis, and history. Mikhail has over twenty years of experience in research and teaching in the universities of Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States.
Anton Avksentiev
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Jennifer J Carroll
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Kostiantyn Fedorenko
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Daria Goriacheva
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Egor Isaev
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Natalia Koulinka
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Sergiy Kurbatov
Dr. Li Bennich-Björkman is Johan Skytte Professor in Eloquence and Political Science at the University of Uppsala. A member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, she held visiting fellowships at the Swedish and Helsinki Collegiums for Advanced Study as well as University of California at Berkeley. Her previous books include, among others, Political Culture under Institutional Pressure (Palgrave Macmillan 2007) and Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads (Routledge 2012). Her papers have been published by, among other outlets, East European Politics and Societies, Nationalities Papers, Journal of Baltic Studies, East European Quarterly, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, and Higher Education Quarterly. Dr. Sergiy Kurbatov is an Affiliated Researcher with the University of Uppsala, Senior Fellow at the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv, and Board Member of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association. Previously, he held visiting positions at Colorado State University and Brown University. His previous books include Istorychnyy chas yak determinanta tvorchoho protsesu (Informatsiiny systemy 2009) and Fenomen universytetu v konteksti chasovykh ta prostorovykh vyklykiv (Universytetska knyha 2014). His papers have been published by, among other outlets, Vyshcha osvita Ukrainy, Filosofiya osvity, International Review of Social Research, and Pedagogika Filozoficzna.
Valentyna Kyselova
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Darya Malyutina
Darya Malyutina, PhD, is a social scientist researching post-Soviet and Russian-speaking migration to the UK, super-diversity, informal relationships, transnationalism, and cross-border political practices.
Alla Marchenko
Dr. Li Bennich-Björkman is Johan Skytte Professor in Eloquence and Political Science at the University of Uppsala. A member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, she held visiting fellowships at the Swedish and Helsinki Collegiums for Advanced Study as well as University of California at Berkeley. Her previous books include, among others, Political Culture under Institutional Pressure (Palgrave Macmillan 2007) and Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads (Routledge 2012). Her papers have been published by, among other outlets, East European Politics and Societies, Nationalities Papers, Journal of Baltic Studies, East European Quarterly, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, and Higher Education Quarterly. Dr. Sergiy Kurbatov is an Affiliated Researcher with the University of Uppsala, Senior Fellow at the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv, and Board Member of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association. Previously, he held visiting positions at Colorado State University and Brown University. His previous books include Istorychnyy chas yak determinanta tvorchoho protsesu (Informatsiiny systemy 2009) and Fenomen universytetu v konteksti chasovykh ta prostorovykh vyklykiv (Universytetska knyha 2014). His papers have been published by, among other outlets, Vyshcha osvita Ukrainy, Filosofiya osvity, International Review of Social Research, and Pedagogika Filozoficzna.
Chris Monday
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Jesko Schmoller
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Pavel Skigin
The editors: Dr. Alexander Etkind is Professor of History at the European University Institute at Florence, and taught at King’s College Cambridge. He is author of Eros of the Impossible (Westview 1996), Internal Colonization (Polity 2011), Warped Mourning (Stanford UP 2013), Roads not Taken (Pittsburgh UP 2017), and Remembering Katyn (Polity 2012) as well as co-editor of Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave 2013) and Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia (Routledge 2017). Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and taught at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the author of, amongst other books, Development and Dystopia (ibidem Press 2018), and co-editor of Demodernization (ibidem Press 2018). He edits the Ideology and Politics Journal and the website Focus Ukraine.
Oleksandr Zabirko
Oleksandr Zabirko arbeitet als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Seminar für Slavistik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und promoviert im Graduiertenkolleg „Literarische Form“ der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören Gegenwartsliteraturen Russlands und der Ukraine, Literaturgeschichte sowie Rechtskultur und politische Kultur im postsowjetischen Raum.
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
herausgegeben von | Alexander Etkind, Mykhailo Minakov |
Beiträge von | Anton Avksentiev, Jennifer J Carroll, Kostiantyn Fedorenko, Daria Goriacheva, Egor Isaev, Natalia Koulinka, Sergiy Kurbatov, Valentyna Kyselova, Darya Malyutina, Alla Marchenko, Chris Monday, Jesko Schmoller, Pavel Skigin, Oleksandr Zabirko |
Seitenzahl |
Reihe |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Typ |
Digitalprodukt / E-Book (Download)
E-Book DRM |
Digital Rights Management - Wasserzeichen
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Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
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"How to make sense of the ideological imagination of the societies born out of the collapse of Soviet ideology, is the central question of this volume of original and highly nuanced articles edited by two of the best scholars of the post-Soviet condition."—Ivan Krastev, Centre for Liberal Strategies
"Ideology after Union is a remarkable collection of essays dedicated to the interrelation of state, society, and culture in the post-Soviet space. The case studies reach out well beyond their individual scope and paradigmatically analyze the political uses of ideological discourses."—Ulrich Schmid, University of St. Gallen
"Alexander Etkind and Mikhail Minakov have assembled a first-rate collection of scholars, who have written stimulating and original essays on the politics of post-communist societies in Europe and Central Asia."—Rajan Menon, City University of New York
"'The best in post-Soviet thought and analysis' would probably not sound too pretentious as a characteristic of this collection of twelve essays, written by authors coming from the newly independent countries of the former Soviet Union. Published originally in one of the most innovative social sciences journals of the region, the essays document, assess, and contextualize the process in which the elites and societies of the post-Soviet states emerge from the shadow of the common political and ideological legacy to chart their own course in the world that rapidly changes around them. This anthology is as much about the understandings of history as it is about the visions of the present and the future, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the region."—Serhii Plokhy, Harvard University