In Statu Nascendi is a peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the “stage-of-becoming” plays a vital role.
Issue 2021:2 comprises, amongst others, the following articles:
· Culture as Understood in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas and Hans-Georg Gadamer
· Literature as a Modern Art (Letërsiasi art modern)
· Aristotle’s Phronesis and Socratic Skepticism: A Starting Point for the Development of Applied Ethics
· The 30th Anniversary of the Visegrád Group (V4) Seen through the Perspective of Selected Integrationist Theories
· Book Review: Conflict Resolution Beyond the International Relations Paradigm Evolving Designs as a Transformative Practice in Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria by Philip Gamaghelyan
Piotr Pietrzak
PIOTR PIETRZAK specializes in the politics of the Middle East, the Islamic world, and focuses his attention on the theory of international relations.
PIETRZAK eats and sleeps geopolitics every single day. He is a political thinker, author, and ontologist by training who takes pride in adding a pragmatic twist to IR theory, political philosophy, conflict management, security studies, and geoeconomics. He is a Former Editor in Chief of In Statu Nascendi: Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations. He has authored several articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, including On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention: A New Compartmentalization of IR Theories. 2021. [This is a link to his academic blog:].
Saranda Buzhala
Joseph Thomas Milburn
Joseph Thomas Milburn is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the University of Sofia. He holds an M.A. in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies from the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, and a B.A. (Hons) in English Literature and Philosophy from Newcastle University.
Stavros S. Panayiotou
PIOTR PIETRZAK specializes in the politics of the Middle East, the Islamic world, and focuses his attention on the theory of international relations.
Baba Seidu Abdul Rahman
KOUMPAROUDIS EVANGELOS, Ph.D. studied veterinary medicine at the University of Thessaly; later, he obtained an MA and Ph.D. in philosophy from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridiski.” Since 2022 he has been a post-doctoral researcher in the philosophy of medicine and biology at his alma mater. Previously, he held a visiting scholarship at Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Lettres. Evengelos has authored several articles and manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, including Medicine in the Post-consumerist Society. 2023. He looks after a column on, where he frequently publishes original essays and short stories. He also writes dramas and black comedies for the theatre.
PIOTR PIETRZAK, Ph.D., eats and sleeps geopolitics every single day. He is a political thinker, author, and ontologist by training who takes pride in adding a pragmatic twist to IR theory, political philosophy, conflict management, security studies, and geoeconomics. He is a Former Editor in Chief of In Statu Nascendi: Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations. He has authored several articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, including On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention: A New Compartmentalization of IR Theories. 2021. [This is a link to his academic blog:].
Justyna Stanska
Balint Laszlo Toth
Piotr Pietrzak is a Ph.D. Candidate at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridiski”. He holds a Master’s Degree in International Politics & International Relations from the University of Manchester and a Master’s Degree in Politics from the University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland). Pietrzak was awarded an Erasmus Scholarship in 2007. He specializes in the politics of the Middle East and the Islamic world, and focuses his attention on the theory of international relations; geopolitics, conflict resolution strategies, and international law; and primarily matters related to the First and Second World Wars, and superpower competition during the Cold War.
Elise Varrey
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
herausgegeben von | Piotr Pietrzak |
Beiträge von | Piotr Pietrzak, Saranda Buzhala, Joseph Thomas Milburn, Stavros S. Panayiotou, Baba Seidu Abdul Rahman, Justyna Stanska, Balint Laszlo Toth, Elise Varrey |
Seitenzahl |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Typ |
Reihe |
In Statu Nascendi
Sprache |
Erscheinungsdatum |
264 g
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