
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in transforming the impersonal character of the medical experience into a personalized, relational, spiritual, and holistic dialog about human health. It promotes a holistic vision of the doctor-patient relationship, a medicine that ought to be ...


29,90 € *

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Jean-Pierre Clero

Rethinking Medical Ethics

In this unique study, Jean-Pierre Clero examines medical ethics from a philosophical perspective. Based on the thoughts of great philosophers, he develops a theory of medical ethics that focuses on the values of intimacy.


39,90 € *

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The Science of Cookery and the Art of Eating Well is a philosophical and historical reflection on food and dining in human culture. It includes discussions of the nature of the first meals as found in Greek literature and the philosophy of history of Giambattista Vico, the Roman cookbook of ...


22,00 € *

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Alexander Gungov

Patient Safety

In our time of well-publicized health care travails, in the USA and the UK and elsewhere, matters of financing too often subsume the dimension of patient care. In his latest book, Alexander L. Gungov studies a vital but neglected aspect of patient safety. Of the thousands of medical errors ...


24,90 € *

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This book is the essence of a scientific research endeavor aspired to tackle the challenges of ever-growing data traffic in mobile networks. The contemporary mobile communication systems offer efficient services to broadband applications. However, narrowband Machine-to-Machine (M2M) data traffic ...


34,90 € *

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Da Nang City, located in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, has developed in many aspects in the last two decades and has been known as one of the five independent municipalities of Vietnam. Today, it constitutes the Key Economic Zone in Central Vietnam. Rapid industrialization and ...


49,90 € *

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In this timely study, Jean Buttigieg demonstrates the necessity to make it a legal principle of international law that the human genome is a common heritage of mankind. In 1997, the UNESCO General Conference declared the human genome a common heritage of humankind. This declaration was ...


39,90 € *

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This second volume of the Applied Human Cryobiology series contains presentations on the second German scientific symposium 2014 in Dresden as well as contributions of outstanding scientists in cryonics. Included are laudations to the awardees of the Robert Ettinger Medal. The brain as the only ...


39,90 € *

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Wittig stellt geeignete Trainingsprogramme für Senioren zur Steigerung der physischen und kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit vor.


29,90 € *

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Die Raumsonde Cassini-Huygens hat den Planeten Saturn von 2004 bis 2017 erforscht. Dieser Bildband präsentiert die wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse von einer der erfolgreichsten Erkundungsmissionen, die jemals ins All geschickt worden ist. Auf mehr als 100 Fotos begleitet Dr. Emil ...


4,95 € *

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