Saturated markets, a decreasing valuation of fashion by a part of consumers paired with missing impulses by some companies has brought along a crisis in retail, especially in Europe. Changing consumer demand, customer sophistication, customer empowerment via the internet and rapid industry change are just a few challenges global retailers are facing today. The consequence is big pressure on prices and margins and a need for process excellence.
As in the 1990s the American and European automotive industry struggled with similar challenges, a concept named lean production was imported from Japan. It helped some Western automotive companies, like Porsche, and big parts of industry to find their way back on the path of success.
Is the route to success via lean production exclusive to industry?
Or might retailers today benefit from lean production philosophy?
In this book Simon Fauser approaches these questions by analysing lean production philosophy, extracting lean principles and applying these to retail and its challenges.
Simon G Fauser
Prof. Dr. Simon G. Fauser lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN) zu den Themen Marketing, Dienstleistungsmanagement und Customer Science. Zudem berät er Unternehmen und ist Geschäftsführer von HILL (Heilbronner Institut für Lebenslanges Lernen) – der zentralen Weiterbildungseinrichtung aller berufsbegleitenden Studiengänge der Hochschule Heilbronn. Eleonore Lenhard studiert Marketing an der Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (M.Sc. Marketing) und ist ehemalige Studentin der Hochschule Heilbronn (B.A. in Tourismusmanagement). Ihre Interessensgebiete sowie praktischen Erfahrungen umfassen die Bereiche Online-Marketing sowie Kommunikations- und Marketingmanagement
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
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E-Book DRM |
Digital Rights Management - Wasserzeichen
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Schriftenreihe des ESB Research Institute
E-Book-Format |
Herstellerangaben zur Produktsicherheit gemäß EU-GPSR
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