This volume compares different regional perspectives on the national and democracy-building aims of individual states. It confronts discourses about national states to regional perspectives on the past as well as the current political and social landscape. Why are we observing calls for national identity right now? What are the roots of this development? How can a Central European identity be shaped when national perspectives are prevalent? The book’s first part analyses social and political processes that shaped nation-states in the Central European region and shows divergent trends of individual states when it comes to defining a regional approach of the Visegrád Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary = V4). The second part focuses on key personalities of the 20th century history of individual V4 countries in the light of their perception in the neighbouring states and how they shaped national states as well as identities after the end of World War II. Similar aims and approaches implemented by individual countries often led to anything but raising regional understanding. The book’s third part reflects upon activities of various initiatives aiming to approach this challenge from the perspective of civil society, and Central Europe’s young generation. The collection brings together leading historians of Central Europe from the V4 countries. It also offers external perspectives on historical developments in Central Europe from the perspective of the 21st century and on political cooperation as well as its roots. Lastly, it includes practitioners of Central European cooperation from both academia and civil society, and their reflection on their countries’ political cooperation after 1989.
Magdalena M. Baran
Dr. Michal Vít is a research fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy at Prague. Previously he was associated with the Institute for European Policy at Berlin and at International Institute of Political Science at Masaryk University in Brno. Dr. Magdalena M. Baran is a historian of ideas, philosopher, and columnist. She studied at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. She is on the editorial board of the quarterly Liberté! as well as a co-founder of the weekly Kultura Liberalna, and writes for, among others, Res Publica Nowa and Visegrad Insight.
Michal Vit
Dr Michal Vít studied political science in Brno, Magdeburg, Konstanz, and Vienna. Since 2017, he has been Assistant Professor of European Studies at the Metropolitan University of Prague and a Research Fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. Previously, he held fellowships at the Institute for European Policy in Berlin and the International Institute of Political Science at Masaryk University.
Akos Bartha
Ivo Budil
Paulina Codogni
Dr. Michal Vít is a research fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy at Prague. Previously he was associated with the Institute for European Policy at Berlin and at International Institute of Political Science at Masaryk University in Brno. Dr. Magdalena M. Baran is a historian of ideas, philosopher, and columnist. She studied at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. She is on the editorial board of the quarterly Liberté! as well as a co-founder of the weekly Kultura Liberalna, and writes for, among others, Res Publica Nowa and Visegrad Insight.
Rick Fawn
Paul Gradvohl
Olga Gyarfasova
Milan Hauner
Pavlina Janebova
Kristina Kaiserova
Dominika Kasprowicz
Michal Ksinan
Piotr M. Majewski
Miroslav Michela
Joanna Mysona Byrska
Jiri Nemec
Andrea Peto
Dr Andrea Peto (Andrea Pető) – istorikessa, professorka departamenta gendernykh issledovanii Тsentral'no-Evropeiskogo universiteta (CEU) v Vene. Obladatel'nitsa mnozhestva akademicheskikh nagrad, takikh kak Human Rights Award ot Universiteta Oslo (2022) i All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values (2018). Redaktorka bolee 30 akademicheskikh sbornikov i 7 mnografii. Sredi nedavnikh publikatsii Peto – monografii Forgotten Massacre: Budapest 1944 (DeGruyter 2021), The Women of the Arrow Cross Party (Palgrave 2020) i Das Unsagbare erzählen (Wallstein 2021). Ee stat'i publikovalis' v Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Journal of Women’s History, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Clio, Baltic Worlds, European Politics and Society, International Women’s Studies Forum, The Journal of Intelligence History, Journal of Genocide Research, East European Politics and Society, Feminist Theory, Contemporary European History i drugikh zhurnalakh. Nauchnye raboty Peto perevedeny na 23 iazyka.
Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves
Petr Pithart
Zoltan Ripp
Ignac Romsics
Jan Rychlik
Stanislav Sikora
Agnes Tamas
Oldrich Tuma
Pawel Ukielski
Tomas Zahradnicek
Miklos Zeidler
Dominik Zelinsky
Milan Zemko
The foreword author PhDr. Milan Zemko, CSc., was a historian at the Department of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia (HÚ SAV). He was a renowned expert on Czechoslovak and Slovak history.
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Edited by | Magdalena M. Baran, Michal Vit |
Contributions by | Magdalena M. Baran, Michal Vit, Akos Bartha, Ivo Budil, Paulina Codogni, Rick Fawn, Paul Gradvohl, Olga Gyarfasova, Milan Hauner, Pavlina Janebova, Kristina Kaiserova, Dominika Kasprowicz, Michal Ksinan, Piotr M. Majewski, Miroslav Michela, Joanna Mysona Byrska, Jiri Nemec, Andrea Peto, Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves, Petr Pithart, Zoltan Ripp, Ignac Romsics, Jan Rychlik, Stanislav Sikora, Agnes Tamas, Oldrich Tuma, Pawel Ukielski, Tomas Zahradnicek, Miklos Zeidler, Dominik Zelinsky, Milan Zemko |
Number of Pages |
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Type |
Publication date |
Series |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
622 g
Product safety information (EU GPSR)
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“The evenhanded and factual character of the contributions presented in this book shows the right way to deal with history, no matter how complicated. It is an example worth emulating.”—Petr Vágner, former director of International Visegrad Fund