This volume addresses a problem of high controversy: Relating the Holocaust to poetic and aesthetic phenomena has often been seen as a taboo, as only authentic testimonies, documents, or at least ‘unliterary’, prosaic approaches were considered appropriate for dealing with the topic. However, from the very beginning of Holocaust literature and culture, there were tendencies towards literarization, poetization, and ornamentalization. Nowadays, aesthetic approaches—also in provocative, taboo-breaking ways—are more and more regarded as important instruments to evoke the attention required for keeping the cataclysm in the collective memory. The contributions of the volume using examples predominantly from Polish, Czech, and German Holocaust literature and culture focus on selected aspects of this complex of problems, such as: poetry of concentration camp detainees; lyrical poetry about the Holocaust; poetical tendencies in narrative literature and drama; ‘ornamental prose’ about the Holocaust; devices and functions of aestheticization in Holocaust literature and culture.
Reinhard Ibler
Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, Jahrgang 1952, studierte West- und Südslavische Philologie, Russische Philologie und Anglistik in Regensburg und Prag. Zwischen 1994 und 2019 Professuren Slavische Literaturwissenschaft in Magdeburg, Marburg und Gießen. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur russischen, tschechischen und polnischen Literatur, zur vergleichenden slavischen Literaturgeschichte und zur Literaturtheorie.
Katarzyna Adamaczak
Skibska Anna Maria
Anna Artwinska
Agata Firlej
Jiri Holy
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, born in 1952, studied West and South Slavonic philology and Russian philology at the universities of Regensburg and Prague. He has worked as a full professor of Slavonic literary studies at the universities of Magdeburg (1994-1999), Marburg (1999-2006), and Giessen (since 2006). His main interests are Czech, Russian, and Polish literature of the 19th and 20th century, comparative Slavonic studies, literary theory, genre theory, poetics of the literary cycle, and Holocaust literature. In 2010, he initiated an international cooperation in the field of Holocaust literature and culture in which the universities of Giessen, Łódź, Poznań, and Prague are participating.
Hana Hribkova
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, born in 1952, studied West and South Slavonic philology and Russian philology at the universities of Regensburg and Prague. He has worked as a full professor of Slavonic literary studies at the universities of Magdeburg (1994-1999), Marburg (1999-2006), and Giessen (since 2006). His main interests are Czech, Russian, and Polish literature of the 19th and 20th century, comparative Slavonic studies, literary theory, genre theory, poetics of the literary cycle, and Holocaust literature. In 2010, he initiated an international cooperation in the field of Holocaust literature and culture in which the universities of Giessen, Łódź, Poznań, and Prague are participating.
Charlotte Kitzinger
Urszula Kowalska
Arkadiusz Morawiec
Andreas Ohme
Die Herausgeber: Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, Jahrgang 1952, studierte West- und Südslavische Philologie, Russische Philologie und Anglistik in Regensburg und Prag. Zwischen 1994 und 2019 Professuren Slavische Literaturwissenschaft in Magdeburg, Marburg und Gießen. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur russischen, tschechischen und polnischen Literatur, zur vergleichenden slavischen Literaturgeschichte und zur Literaturtheorie. Prof. Dr. Andreas Ohme, Jahrgang 1964, studierte Slawistik, Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte und Germanistische Linguistik an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Seit April 2018 ist er Professor für Slawische Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Greifswald. Sein Forschungsgegenstand ist die russische, tschechische und polnische Literatur des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts mit Schwerpunkten in der Gattungstheorie und der Narratologie. Darüber hinaus widmet er sich Fragen der allgemeinen Literaturwissenschaft und der Methodologie.
Marta Skubalova
Hans-Christian Trepte
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, born in 1952, studied West and South Slavonic philology and Russian philology at the universities of Regensburg and Prague. He has worked as a full professor of Slavonic literary studies at the universities of Magdeburg (1994-1999), Marburg (1999-2006), and Giessen (since 2006). His main interests are Czech, Russian, and Polish literature of the 19th and 20th century, comparative Slavonic studies, literary theory, genre theory, poetics of the literary cycle, and Holocaust literature. In 2010, he initiated an international cooperation in the field of Holocaust literature and culture in which the universities of Giessen, Łódź, Poznań, and Prague are participating.
Christiane Weber
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage.
herausgegeben von | Reinhard Ibler |
Beiträge von | Reinhard Ibler, Katarzyna Adamaczak, Skibska Anna Maria, Anna Artwinska, Agata Firlej, Jiri Holy, Hana Hribkova, Charlotte Kitzinger, Urszula Kowalska, Arkadiusz Morawiec, Andreas Ohme, Marta Skubalova, Hans-Christian Trepte, Christiane Weber |
Seitenzahl |
Sprache |
Erscheinungsdatum |
Reihe |
Literatur und Kultur im mittleren und östlichen Europa
Typ |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
410 g
Herstellerangaben zur Produktsicherheit gemäß EU-GPSR
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