Colin Swatridge

Dr Swatridge studied at the universities of Nottingham, Bradford, Manchester, and London, in the United Kingdom. He taught and was Chief Examiner at Advanced Level and tutored graduate and postgraduate students of the Open University. Since 1998, he has been a visiting lecturer at universities in Budapest, Szeged, Veszprém, and Miskolc, in Hungary; and at Krosno in Poland, and Târgu Mureş in Romania, teaching the art of argument, and an MA course in Central European Studies. His previous books include An Oxford Guide to Effective Argument and Critical Thinking (Oxford University Press, 2014); A Country Full of Aliens: A Briton in Hungary, and Transylvania: Truth, Myth, Perspective (both published by Corvina Books, Budapest, 2017, 2018); and Foolosophy? Think Again, Sophie: Ten reasons for not taking Philosophy too seriously (ibidem, 2023)