Reutlingen Papers on Management & Marketing
Editors: Prof. Dr. Carsten Rennhak, Prof. Dr. Hermann Lassleben
ISSN 1865-3162
Language: German
The series Reutlingen Papers on Management & Marketing deals with contemporary and important issues from the world of Marketing and Management.
Both Marketing and Management are facing a new set of challenges that are the rseult of fundamental and diverse developments. Keywords here are: growing international integration, the increasing significance of Asia, the consolidation of markets and industries connected to substantial shifts in value creation structures, increased level of information among consumers, growing importance of topics like ethics and sustainability as well as the demographic development and the connected „war for talents“ and the necessary qualification measures for older employees. New technology opens up previously unknown possibilities for efficiancy enhancement, and creative marketing and management concepts. Corporations are becoming more and more aware of the fact, that the creation of competitive advantages is a task for the whole corporation. The Reutlingen Papers on Management & Marketing addresses the issues from th view of coporate practice and examines them in the form of book contributions.
The authors of the papers are qualified due to their activity in leadership positions in corporations or as researchers. They have well-founded knowledge in their field as well as extensive practical experience. Thanky to the diversity in age, background, and scientific opinion, a true representation of the diversity in marketing and management is guaranteed. One the one hand, the Reutlingen Paper on Management & Marketing offer textbooks for students that edit scientific basic principles to be more practice-oriented, present and critically discuss the current State of the Art, analyze benchmarks and best practices from coporate reality and that solve real life challenges on this basis. On the other hand, the series also addresses practitioners that are confronted with issues in Marketing and Management in their work and that are looking for an overview of the current state of research and practice as well as possible solutions.
The editors:
Prof. Carsten Rennhak teaches PR and Marketing at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich. After finishing his Business studies at Augsburg University and Economic studies at Wayne State University in Detroit as well as his doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, he worked as a coporate consultant and project manager in telecommunication, media, high tech and utilities at Booz & Company for several years. He then moved on to the Munich Business School and eventually to the ESB Business School in Reutlingen. His research interests are foremost in the areas of coporate communication, customer loyalty, market segmentation as well as coporate strategy in the auto and energy industry. Prof. Rennhak has published more than 150 books and papers pertaining to these fields.
Prof. Hermann Lassleben teaches Management and HR Management at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen. He studied sociology in Regensburg and Bielefeld and was employed in coporate development at the Wacker-Chemie AG as well as in personnel management at the Intel Coporation. He received his doctorate at Konstanz University and is a Professor at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen since 2000.Prof. Lasslebenis a guest professor at several international universities, among them Xi'an Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University and the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. His areas of research are particularly in the field of international HR management, career management, as well as the finance industry. He is a co-editor of the International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management and is a peer reviewer for a variety of scientific journals.