Series of the ESB Research Institute
Editors: Prof. Dr. Jörn Altmann, Prof. Dr. Ottmar Schneck
ISSN 1614-7618
Language: German
The Series of the ESB Research Institute, edited and managed by Prof. Dr. Jörn Altmann and Prof. Dr. Ottmar Schneck, ESB Reutlingen, publishes innovative and practice-oriented papers that are the result of Master's theses or diploma papers at the European School of Business (ESB) Reutlingen and that distinguish themselves by outstanding quality. On one hand, a publication in the series is an award for outstanding performance, on the other hand, the series also offers an excellent selection of practice-oriented research results that have been compiled by current and former members of the ESB.
A regular subscription to the series guarantees that the reader has access to a wide spectrum of current issues in management, finance, acconuting, marketing and a selection of aspects from economic policy.