Reports by international governmental and non-governmental organizations on the 2004 presidential elections in Ukraine constituted a significant factor in generating, facilitating and completing the Orange Revolution. Ukrainian civil society, mass media, courts and political parties were the main driving force behind the popular uprising that returned Ukraine to the path of democratization it had embarked on in 1991. Yet, the unambiguous stance and political weight of such institutions as the EU, PACE, NATO, and, above all, OSCE played their role too. The democratic movement benefited from the spectre of international isolation and stigmatization of the Ukrainian state had President Leonid Kuchma decided to prevent a repetition of the second round of the voting.
The volume collects not all, but some of the most widely discussed reports, including English translations of selected sections of the three reports produced by the CIS International Observers Mission. The latter as well as a report by an Israeli institute depart from the assessments of the other organizations represented here, allowing for comparison of diverging evaluations of the same events.
The volume assembles full or excerpted official reports of the International Republican Institute, Tel Aviv Institute for the Countries of Eastern Europe and CIS, European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, and Commonwealth of Independent States. Contributions by Jevgen Shapoval and Roman Kupchinsky introduce and conclude the collection.
Andreas Umland
Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7916-4646
Ingmar Bredies
Ingmar Bredies studierte Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaften in Rostock und an der Moskauer Staatlichen Lomonossow-Universität. Veröffentlichungen zur russischen und ukrainischen Politik. Seit 2002 arbeitet er als Stipendiat der Friedrich-und-Irmgard-Harms-Stiftung, des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und des DAAD an einer Dissertation zum Thema „Institutionenwandel ohne Elitenwechsel? Zur Rolle der Verchovna Rada in der politischen Transition der Ukraine“. Seit 2003 ist er Gastforscher am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie der Nationalen Taras-Schewtschenko-Universität Kiew.
Valentin Yakushik
Yakushik is Professor of Political Science at the National University of Kyiv – Mohyla Academy.
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Edited by | Andreas Umland, Ingmar Bredies, Valentin Yakushik |
Number of Pages |
Series |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
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Digital download
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