Building on the work of Emmanuel Levinas, this groundbreaking book puts the phenomenological paradigm into a new perspective. Overcoming the focus on self-reflection of the thinking subject and instead arguing for the importance of sociality as a responsibility for the Other, this new approach is based on inter-subjectivity and introduces a social dimension in phenomenology. This also allows for a different interpretation of the notion of justice, which in this context sits in the space between the one, the other, and the third before settling into any relation to the law. In the vast area inhabited by more or less distant others, moral responsibility is implemented through the establishment and maintenance of just institutions.
Maria Dimitrova
Maria Dimitrova is Professor in Social Philosophy at Sofia University. She is the author of The World of Relativized Consciousness and The Ethical Turn of Social Thought and also the editor of In Levinas’ Trace.
Delivery time
Delivery time 2-3 working days.
Number of Pages |
Type |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
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Publication date |
375 g
“This work offers an alternative approach to political philosophy. Dimitrova takes the reader back to the question of the human condition itself. By means of a new perspective of 'social phenomenology,' she presents the reader with a moral understanding of intersubjectivity and the primordial relation of the I and Other, guided in part by the fundamental insights of Levinas. Professor Dimitrova has produced a masterpiece that requires us to rethink the basis of the human as social animal and its function in the origin and moral maintenance of human society.” ―Donald Phillip Verene, Candler Professor of Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy and Director of the Institute for Vico Studies, Emory University