
Ken Williams

Gödel Forever

Gödel Forever takes a critical look at several foundation claims on Gödelian incompleteness that have appeared in the literature over the years.


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In his groundbreaking book, Predictions: Society's Telltale Signature Reveals the Past and Forecasts the Future, Theodore Modis showed readers a fascinating new way to understand our society and ourselves by applying fundamental scientific concepts to predicting social phenomena. Now he pushes ...


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Jan Čihák


Mathematik muss nicht schwer sein! Jan Čihák bietet mit seinem Buch eine innovative Übungsform für das einfache Erlernen von Rechenregeln – hier für die Bruchrechnung, einen Bereich, der – bislang – schon so manchem heftige Probleme bereitet hat. "Bruchrechnung – interaktive ...


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This book is the essence of a scientific research endeavor aspired to tackle the challenges of ever-growing data traffic in mobile networks. The contemporary mobile communication systems offer efficient services to broadband applications. However, narrowband Machine-to-Machine (M2M) data traffic ...


34,90 € *

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Die Raumsonde Cassini-Huygens hat den Planeten Saturn von 2004 bis 2017 erforscht. Dieser Bildband präsentiert die wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse von einer der erfolgreichsten Erkundungsmissionen, die jemals ins All geschickt worden ist. Auf mehr als 100 Fotos begleitet Dr. Emil ...


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The Linguistic Landscape (LL) as a specific branch of Applied Linguistics is investigated as a challenging, growing area of research, while its methodologies and theoretical framework still need to be explored and established in order to become a Linguistic Landscape theory. On a representative ...


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This book documents pioneering mathematical models introduced for the simulation of multi-component droplets heating and evaporation processes which are implementable into commercial CFD codes. These models, described as ´multi-dimensional quasi discrete` (MDQD) and ´discrete-component` ...


49,90 € *

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Die Untersuchung der elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit von großen und komplexen Systemen wie z. B. Schiffen stellt besondere Anforderungen an die zur Verfügung stehende Rechnertechnik. Auch mit hochentwickelten numerischen Simulationstools erfordern detaillierte Feldanalysen großer ...


39,90 € *

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Asraful Haque presents a new offline signature verification technique based on dividing the signature image into blocks. Every block is represented by a set of features like number of pixels in each block, block-center and distance from the image center. Each feature type has a different impact ...


22,00 € *

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Tamara G. Stryzhak researches the stability of solutions of the system of linear difference equations with random Markovian coefficients. She also deals with Lyapunov functions which were used to receive the necessary and sufficient conditions of the stability of the solutions in the average ...


22,00 € *

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