
Die innerpsychischen Variablen und Faktoren, die in Summe das Ich konstituieren und ausmachen, befinden sich immer auch in einem bestimmten Verhältnis zum Fremd-Ich. Die Psychoanalyse richtet den Blick auf die äußerst komplexe innere Dynamik des Ich und entwickelt diese primär aus der ...


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Filipova argues that Poland’s, Bulgaria’s, and Russia’s dominating conceptions of national identity have shaped these countries’ foreign policy behavior.


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This collection investigates the political economy of international relations between the Soviet bloc (the “East”) and the developing world (the “South”).


34,90 € *

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Oleksandra Keudel proposes a novel explanation for why some local governments in hybrid regimes enable citizen participation while others restrict it.


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Agárdi traces the interactions between micro- and macro- narratives and the specific tools women of this generation appropriate to talk about traumatic memories.


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1917 errichteten die Bolschewiki in Russland das erste totalitäre Regime der Moderne, das die von Marx und Engels entwickelte Utopie zu verwirklichen suchte.


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Es wird insbesondere die Komplexität des Konflikts in und um die Ukraine seit Beginn der Euromaidan-Revolution Ende 2013 verdeutlicht.


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The “Joint Declaration of Twenty-two States,” signed in Paris on November 19, 1990 by the Chiefs of State or Government of all the countries which participated in World War Two in Europe, is the closest document we will ever have to a true “peace treaty” concluding World War II in ...


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Mikhail Minakov

Inventing Majorities

The contributors delves deeper into recent theoretical constructions of various post-Soviet majorities, the ideologies, and some policy prescriptions.


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Jonathan Otto Pohl

The Years of Great Silence

This monograph provides a detailed yet concise narrative of the history of the ethnic Germans in the Russian Empire and USSR.


34,90 € *

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