
In den 1930er-Jahren, nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland, geriet das Gebiet der heutigen Slowakischen Republik, das Teil der Tschechoslowakei war, in den Blickpunkt deutscher NS-Ökonomen: Es sollte eine wichtige Rolle beim Aufbau einer neuen „deutschen ...


49,90 € *

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Schule lässt sich in ihrer multidimensionalen Determiniertheit immer nur als einheitliches Ganzes verstehen. Dies zeigt sich an einer Vielgestaltigkeit, die Qualitätsfragen auf unterschiedlichsten Wegen beantwortet und sich nur im Zusammenwirken der einzelnen schulischen Handlungsfelder zu ...


59,90 € *

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The studies included in this collection illuminate the objectives and implications of Russia’s attempts to ideologically subvert Ukraine and other nations.


45,90 € *

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“Robert Radin’s Teaching English to Refugees does it all, weaving together memoir, philosophy of language, social-justice advocacy, and graphic narrative into a haunting meditation on what can happen when the least powerful among us escape oppression and seek refuge in the United States. ...


22,00 € *

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David Mandel examines the impact of reforms in higher education on the condition of Russia’s university teachers.


24,90 € *

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This collection of essays reflects a personal experience of a painstaking but fascinating process of the both cultural and political ‘Europeanization’ of Ukriane.


34,90 € *

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The book explores transformations of the apocalyptic figure of the Antichrist in various post-Soviet discourses.


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Gene A Brewer, J Edward Kellough, Tima T Moldogaziev

Public Policy and Politics in Georgia

After the break-up of the USSR, the former Soviet countries took different paths.


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Markus Jaeger explores the coalescence of Joan Baez's work as a singer and songwriter with her endeavors as a political activist throughout the last sixty years. He illustrates an American popular singer's significance as a political activist—for her audiences and for her opponents as well as ...


34,90 € *

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Michal Bogin Feinberg

Do not Disturb! I'm Drawing

Understand the process and the meaning of the development of drawing in children aged one-and-a-half to six. This new way of observing the drawings—with curiosity, enthusiasm, and excitement from experiencing the moment and acceptance—grants children the validation of being loved and ...


34,90 € *

Delivery time 2-3 working days.

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