Rossiyskoye vtorzheniye v Ukrainu v 2022 godu stavit pod ugrozu nezavisimost' strany i yeye shansy na razvitiye po zapadnomu obraztsu. No geroizm ukrainskogo naroda i nabirayushchaya silu natsional'naya identichnost' tol'ko ukreplyayut osnovaniya dlya razvorota strany na Zapad. Posle vtorzheniya sozdaniye prochnogo fundamenta dlya postroyeniya liberal'noy demokratii stanovitsya pervoocherednoy zadachey. Pomimo otvetov na nasushchnyye vyzovy, Ukraine predstoit reshat' problemy postkommunisticheskogo naslediya i ustranyat' slozhnosti, voznikshiye v svyazi s oligarkhicheskimi strukturami i patronal'noy demokratiyey.
Avtory etogo sbornika – vedushchiye ukrainskiye uchenyye, a takzhe ikh kollegi iz Vengrii – issleduyut strukturnyye posledstviya voyny i shansy na postroyeniye liberal'noy demokratii v poslevoyennyy period. Priderzhivayas' kontseptual'nykh ramok knigi «Postkommunisticheskiye rezhimy» (M.: NLO, 2022), napisannoy redaktorami etogo sbornika, avtory v 13 glavakh rassmatrivayut vliyaniye voyny na demokraticheskiye instituty, sistemnuyu korruptsiyu, polozheniye i rol' oligarkhov, a takzhe grazhdanskuyu identichnost' i aktivizm v ukrainskom obshchestve. Prodolzheniye etogo sbornika – kniga «Imperskiye prityazaniya Rossii i ikh geopoliticheskiye posledstviya».
Bálint Madlovics
Bálint Madlovics – politolog i ekonomist. Mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta demokratii Tsentral'no-Yevropeyskogo universiteta, priglashennyy professor Universiteta im. Loranda Etvosha (ELTE) i doktorant Universiteta im. Mat'yasha Korvina v Budapeshte (BCE).
Bálint Magyar
Bálint Magyar – sotsiolog. Starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta demokratii Tsentral'no-Yevropeyskogo universiteta. Do smeny rezhima byl aktivistom vengerskogo antikommunisticheskogo dissidentskogo dvizheniya. Chlen vengerskogo parlamenta (1990-2010), ministr obrazovaniya Vengrii (1996-1998, 2002-2006).
Founded in 2011, Ettijahat-Independent Culture is a cultural institution active in the field of independent culture in Syria and the Arab region. They work to activate the role of independent culture and the arts, enabling them to play positive roles in processes of cultural and social change. Through plenty of activities, they are striving to build an authentic relationship between cultural and artistic production and Syrian society, always embracing its diversity and pluralism. They achieve this by supporting artists and cultural entrepreneurs, empowering young researchers, building consensus and alliances between individuals and cultural institutions, promoting arts and artists through regional and international platforms, and by working to bring culture and art closer to Syrian communities wherever they are.
Denis Brylov
Igor Burakovsky
Vladimir Dubrovskyi
Csilla Fedinec
Oleksandr Fisun
The editor: Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC, as well as editor of the Kennan Institute’s blog Ukraine Focus. He is also editor of the Milan-based Ideology and Politics Journal and philosophy website Koine. Among Minakov’s recent books are From “The Ukraine” to Ukraine (co-edited with Georgii Kasyanov and Matthew Rojansky, ibidem 2021), Post-Soviet Secessionism (co-edited with Daria Isachenko and Gwendolyn Sasse, ibidem 2021), A History of Experience (in Ukrainian, Laurus 2019), Development and Dystopia (ibidem 2018), Photosophy (in Ukrainian, Laurus 2017), and Demodernization (co-edited with Yakov Rabkin, ibidem 2018; in Italian, Ledizioni 2021). His over 90 articles have appeared in, among other journals, Russian Politics and Law, Russian Social Science Review, Southeastern Europe, Transit, Studi slavistici, Mondo economico, Porownania, Neprikosnovennyi zapas, Sententiae, Krytyka, Agora, Ukraina moderna, and Filosofska dumka.
Evgenii Golovakha
Henry E. Hale
The editors: Dr. Andrey Makarychev is a Visiting Professor at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu and an editor of the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society. He studied Political Science at the European Institute of Advanced International Studies in Nice and was a visiting fellow at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and at the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. His articles have appeared in, among other journals, Problems of Post-Communism, European Regional and Urban Studies, Nationalities Papers, Geopolitics, International Spectator. Dr. Alexandra Yatsyk is a Researcher at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies. She studied sociology at Kazan State University and was as visiting fellow or lecturer at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, University of Tartu, University of Tampere, George Washington University in Washington, DC, as well as at the Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe in L’viv. Her articles have appeared in, among other outlets, Demokratizatsiya, Problems of Post-Communism, International Spectator, European Urban and Regional Studies, Sport in Society, Nationalities Papers. Makarychev’s and Yatsyk’s joint works include the books Lotman’s Cultural Semiotics and the Political (Rowman & Littlefield 2017), Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe: Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Estonia and Georgia (Nomos 2016), and the volumes Suturing the Ruptures: Seams and Stitches in the Baltic Sea Region (Palgrave Macmillan 2016), Mega-Events in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Shifting Borderlines of Inclusion and Exclusion (Palgrave Macmillan 2016), and New and Old Vocabularies of International Relations after the Ukraine Crisis (Ashgate 2016). The author of the foreword: Zhanna Nemtsova is a journalist for Deutsche Welle at Bonn and a daughter of Boris Nemtsov.
Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik
Tetiana Kalynychenko
Oksana Mikheieva
Mikheieva, Prof. Dr. Oksana (* 1971), Historikerin und Soziologin mit Schwerpunkt Migration, einschließlich Zwangsmigration und der Situation verschiedener vom Krieg betroffener Gruppen. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS) in Berlin, Professorin am Fachbereich Soziologie der Ukrainischen Katholischen Universität (Lwiw), außerdem Dozentin an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
Mikhail Minakov
Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC, as well as editor of the Kennan Institute’s blog Ukraine Focus. He is also editor of the Milan-based Ideology and Politics Journal and philosophy website Koine. Among Minakov’s recent books are From “The Ukraine” to Ukraine (co-edited with Georgii Kasyanov and Matthew Rojansky, ibidem 2021), Post-Soviet Secessionism (co-edited with Daria Isachenko and Gwendolyn Sasse, ibidem 2021), A History of Experience (in Ukrainian, Laurus 2019), Development and Dystopia (ibidem 2018), Photosophy (in Ukrainian, Laurus 2017), and Demodernization (co-edited with Yakov Rabkin, ibidem 2018; in Italian, Ledizioni 2021). His over 90 articles have appeared in, among other journals, Russian Politics and Law, Russian Social Science Review, Southeastern Europe, Transit, Studi slavistici, Mondo economico, Porownania, Neprikosnovennyi zapas, Sententiae, Krytyka, Agora, Ukraina moderna, and Filosofska dumka.
Uliana Movchan
Viktoriya Sereda
Dmytro Tuzhansky
Stanislav Yukhmenko
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Edited by | Bálint Madlovics, Bálint Magyar |
Contributions by | , Denis Brylov, Igor Burakovsky, Vladimir Dubrovskyi, Csilla Fedinec, Oleksandr Fisun, Evgenii Golovakha, Henry E. Hale, Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik, Tetiana Kalynychenko, Oksana Mikheieva, Mikhail Minakov, Uliana Movchan, Viktoriya Sereda, Dmytro Tuzhansky, Stanislav Yukhmenko |
Number of Pages |
Publication date |
Type |
Format |
210,0 mm x 148,0 mm
Language |
710 g
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«Sushchestvuyet mnozhestvo rabot v etoy oblasti, kotoryye fokusiruyutsya na kakom-to uzkom aspekte, odnako etot sbornik unikalen tem, chto predostavlyayet vsestoronniy obzor ukrainskoy politiki, ekonomiki i obshchestva. YA ne pripomnyu ni odnoy drugoy knigi, kotoraya byla by nastol'ko zhe ambitsioznoy, nastol'ko zhe oriyentirovannoy na lyudey i kotoraya okhvatyvala by tak mnogo ukrainskikh pisateley». — Dzheyd MakGlinn, nauchnyy sotrudnik fakul'teta voyennykh issledovaniy Korolevskogo kolledzha Londona
«Chitatelya etogo toma zhdet ne tol'ko vstrecha s glubokim ponimaniyem Ukrainy i yeye vozmozhnogo budushchego... Predstavlennyye zdes' glavy demonstriruyut silu al'ternativnogo podkhoda, kotoryy otkazyvayetsya ot “prokrustovykh” ramok, sozdannykh dlya ponimaniya nekotorykh zapadnykh stran. Vmesto etogo zdes' udelyayetsya osoboye vnimaniye tomu, kak sami aktory v postkommunisticheskikh stranakh ponimayut svoyu politiku, i predlagayetsya vokabulyar dlya boleye shirokogo ponimaniya etogo yavleniya». — Iz predisloviya Genri Kheyla, professora politologii i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy Universiteta Dzhordzha Vashingtona