This book breaks into the black box of Russian cultural diplomacy’s ideological underpinnings and modi operandi.
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This study examines the presidencies of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Shekhovtsov’s essays delve into practices of Russian political warfare designed to advance Moscow’s objectives in European countries and certain African states.
The book’s contributors investigate how the Kremlin’s recent turbo-charging of Russia’s information warfare has expanded on traditional pro-Russian sentiments.
The war in Ukraine did not start on 24 February 2022 - Jakob Hauter investigates the escalation of violence in the spring and summer of 2014.
Eta kniga — rezul'tat mnogoletnego issledovaniia o seksualizirovannom nasilii nad zhenshchinami v Vengrii vo Vtoroi mirovoi voine. S pomoshch'iu arkhivnykh istochnikov, interv'iu i lichnykh dnevnikov Andrea Peto vosstanavlivaet dramatichnyi opyt vengerskikh zhenshchin, udeliaia osoboe vnimanie ...
Overall, this book furnishes important insights into uncertainty in political life and how the discipline of political science is coming to terms with it.
Leukavets applies here Putnam’s two-level game-theoretical approach in combination with findings from Europeanization literature and democracy promotion studies.
This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Moldova.
Dietrich sheds light on a critical yet politically practicable notion of cosmopolitanism which centers on the individual and is framed by a set of universal principles.