
Dalbergs demokratietheoretisch und ideengeschichtlich analysierte Denken ist Ausdruck eines Ideentransfers westlicher sowie östlicher politische Gedanken.


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This book traces the conversion of wealth into political influence through vote-buying and of the transformation of political influence back into wealth.


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Mykhailo Minakov

Philosophy Unchained

The book analyzes the philosophical enterprise over the last thirty to forty years in Belarus, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.


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Russkie emigranty, pokinuvshie svoiu stranu posle pobedy bol´shevistskoi revolutsii, stali svideteliami i zhertvami pervoi v istorii popytki prevrashcheniia totalitarnoi utopii v deistvitel´nost´. Mnogie iz nikh poniali, chto sobytiia 1917 g. byli lish´ pervym aktom obshcheevropieskoi ...


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This book seeks to understand him as perhaps the most eminent representative of a school of thought that is here defined as ‘post-Soviet esotericism’.


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This volume delves into a key part of the comprehensive Russian administrative and territorial reform of the 2000s.


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This book provides a detailed narrative analysis of the historic events in and around Ukraine from 2013 to 2019. These years were almost as significant for Ukraine as the achievement of independence in 1991. That was because Ukraine was in danger of losing its independence again after the ...


79,90 € *

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This book provides a detailed narrative analysis of the historic events in and around Ukraine from 2013 to 2019. These years were almost as significant for Ukraine as the achievement of independence in 1991. That was because Ukraine was in danger of losing its independence again after the ...


69,90 € *

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Methodologically, the book illustrates the added value of investigating elections from a multilevel perspective.


29,90 € *

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Motyl questions conventional wisdom, exposes its inconsistencies and weaknesses, and encourages readers to rethink their views.


29,90 € *

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