Projects can go over budget, exceed deadlines, or deliver restricted features and quality. This can result in economic damage for companies and their clients. The difficulties arise at source. Established metrics and management methods slow projects down by creating conflicts in operations and decision-making. A radically new approach is needed; one that features • simple, constraint-oriented management, • clear, robust priorities, • company-wide rather than locally focused optimization, • a focus on speed, on ProjectsFlow. Discover how you can: • complete more projects with the same amount of resources, • reliably deliver all projects to specs, • significantly shorten project lead times.
Techt, Uwe
Techt ist Geschäftsführer der VISTEM GmbH & Co. KG und gilt im deutschsprachigen Raum als der Vorreiter und Experte für die Nutzung der Theory of Constraints und des Critical Chain-Projektmanagements. Er ist bekannt als Redner, Autor von Büchern und Fachartikeln zu Durchbruchsinnovationen sowie als Topmanagement-Coach und strategischer Vordenker.
Delivery time
Delivery time 2-3 working days.
Number of Pages |
Publication date |
Format |
21,0 cm x 14,8 cm
Series |
QuiStainable Business Solutions
Type |
Language |
560 g